The Man Picked up by the Gods – Volume 3 PDF+EPUB by eCookie is out!

Heads up. eCookie’s finished making his EPUB. He’s also provided a temp version for PDF in case any of you folks prefer that as Usi hasn’t made his PDF yet.

Here’s the link:CLICK HERE FOR V3 PDF/EPUB

I didn’t help out with the pdf/epub making, so make sure you all thank eCookie!






6 responses to “The Man Picked up by the Gods – Volume 3 PDF+EPUB by eCookie is out!”

  1. royaldarkness Avatar

    I new here so what this EPUB and PDF mean ?

  2. Ryouha Nura Avatar

    Files offline you can read~

  3. joshuawee5 Avatar

    can any of you guys read the epub in play book? cause for some reason mine doesn't work

  4. ec00kie Avatar

    I will take a look but I cant promise much. I dont know much about playbooks and I optimize my epubs for Gitden. Im currently working so you need to wait a few hours

  5. Unknown Avatar

    Ah idk but the first 2 worked on play books but not the third volume one

  6. Lirg Yob Avatar

    Moon+ reader, mines not working with the 3rd v.

    Maybe its a incomplete corrupted file?

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