Goblin Kingdom – Volume 2: The Distant Paradise – Chapter 150 (TEASER)

The patrolling goblins who were also in charge of securing food ran to me with bubbles coming out of their mouth.

“Your Highness, a great horde of goblins is coming from the south!”

As soon I received that report, I took flamberge out and ran.

“Gi Ga! Fei! Gather your men now!”


Image by: Svetlin Velinov






2 responses to “Goblin Kingdom – Volume 2: The Distant Paradise – Chapter 150 (TEASER)”

  1. Jigglypuff fan Avatar
    Jigglypuff fan

    Yup. That image was exactly the thing I pictured when they described gi gu’s plan.

    GI gu is best Goblin Rush deck player. He somehow found room for goblins with each and some lightning bolt abilities.

  2. Venersis Avatar

    Magic The Hordening

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