New Schedule, Donations, and eBook

Hi guys, it’s been an annoying two weeks – and I even got sick during my second week and had to go to school sick

– but thank God I’m somehow still alive. Haha. 

Unfortunately though, I found out in my first week that school will be starting right after my modules, so we won’t be coming back to daily releases until my vacation in December. 

New Schedule:

  • The Man Picked up by the Gods: One chapter guaranteed every week.
  • Goblin Kingdom: One chapter guaranteed every week.

Note that these are guaranteed chapters, if I have some time I can try to add a chapter or two more for either series. Which one I do will depend on my mood. I also won’t be setting a fixed day on when I’m posting the chapter, since my schedule is now quite erratic, but nevertheless, you guys will definitely be able to get at least a chapter every week unless mentioned.

Donations and Extra Chapters:

No more extra chapters until my next vacation. The donation is still open though, so if you’d like to support me, feel free to donate. I’ll take note of the donations and just put into the queue for December. Note: this’ll all go to the queue for The Man Picked up by the Gods.

Also, I still owe you guys a chapter from the last queue, and I’m truly sorry that I wasn’t able to give it to you guys on time. As an apology, I’ll give you guys two chapters instead of one. So the next two extra chapters will definitely be The Man Picked up by the Gods. After that, it’s free for all. I can’t guarantee when it’s coming out though, let me settle down a bit first, then I’ll work on it. 


I don’t know how many of you know, but this is actually my first time translating. And in fact, I didn’t even know whether or not I could translate with my level of Japanese. This all started with a mechanical keyboard, but who would’ve thought I’d actually end up translating three volumes. Haha.
Along the way I learned a lot of things regarding translations. One of which is the necessity of a glossary. I learned a lot of things the hard way, and because of that I’m often confused when translating terms that come from  the earlier chapters since I didn’t start off with a glossary.

As a result, there’s been quite a bit of problem with consistency. And I plan to fix that in the PDF/EPUB/MOBI release. It’ll have better translation, way more editing, and the character info chapters that weren’t translated in favor of faster releases. I can’t edit the blog posts, since it’ll end up drowning aho-updates with an influx of releases so the better translations will strictly be in the pdf. Don’t worry it’s free.

I’m too busy with school, extracurricular activities, and language classes, so while I’d like to say I’ll have it done by November – the first volume – in the worst case I’ll give it to you guys as a Christmas present. 😀

That’s all, folks. Thanks for all your support so far. Here’s to surviving the new semester, cheers!






15 responses to “New Schedule, Donations, and eBook”

  1. Night Vintral Avatar


  2. Anonymous Avatar


  3. Unknown Avatar

    Gracias, for the chapters!

  4. HADEE JAAPAR Avatar


  5. Anonymous Avatar

    Good luck with school, and don't forget to get at least some free time between school and translating.

  6. Anonymous Avatar

    Hang in there, and thank you for all of your effort. (^v^)

  7. Raze Betatester Avatar

    since you are back and i think you are on vacation ?
    will you go and be the pokemon master? (2 guarantted chapters per week)

  8. Anonymous Avatar

    acttually its already 2 chapters per week

  9. Xanon Avatar

    Thanks for all your hard work!

  10. CJ Avatar

    I have up to chapter 18 as an epub…
    I personally don't think you should make one rather recommend someone else… it takes just under an hour per chapter with no special editing. – Gizmo

  11. CJ Avatar

    CORRECTION! I only have up to chapter 6 of volume one… So many hours expended that I imagined doing more. 🙁

  12. Anonymous Avatar

    Don't need bonus chapter. Just teaser please. Thank you for translating The man picked up by gods. I love reading this book.

  13. CJ Avatar

    I am willing to help or lead the pdf/epub publication. I know little about mobi but can learn.

  14. libraryrocker Avatar

    I will pray to my gods for your success in your classes!!!

  15. chance thompson Avatar

    good luck take one step at a time or use magic slims

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