UPDATE – TMPG, GK, KMF (I came back but the world is still a fantasy)

Hi, all!

I mentioned it would be a slow translation week last week, but it ended up being a no chapter week. Sorry about that, it was a lot busier than expected.

Anyway, translations will resume on Wed, starting with GK, then TMPG, then GK again, and then TMPG for a total of two chapters each.

For KmF I’ll be working on 03-10, and it will be posted once 03-09 is up. I originally hoped to finish 03-10 last week, but that’ll have to be delayed to this week. It’s not a busy week, so there shouldn’t be any further delays. If 03-09 still isn’t up by the end of the week, I’ll post an update on it after checking with my partner.







4 responses to “UPDATE – TMPG, GK, KMF (I came back but the world is still a fantasy)”

  1. anonymous Avatar

    no problem man, You help me have sth to hope for in my boring daily life

    i have followed TMPG since before vol.1 finished.

    thank you for a great work

  2. Chaoton Avatar

    It’s cool man. Thanks for your kindness and charitable soul XwX

  3. Chuo Avatar

    Thanks for the update and letting us know everything is on track.

  4. darkm3d Avatar

    Thanks for the update. =)

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