Goblin Kingdom Volume 1 Chapter 52.67: Gossips – The One Who Chose the Sword

Goblin Name Cheat Sheet:

The [Goblin] is to make it easier to CTRL+F.

[Goblin] Gi Ga

The goblin in that estranged group that was with the protagonist when he defeated an orc. He is currently a noble class, the highest amongst the protagonist’s subordinates. He prefers to use the spear.

[Goblin] Gi Gu

The former leader of the village. He was pressured by the protagonist in his goblin noble form, and was added to his subordinates. He uses the long sword, and is relatively smart for a goblin rare. Became a goblin noble in chapter 39.

[Goblin] Gi Gi

Known as a beast warrior, a goblin with the ability to tame beasts.

He evolved while hunting spear deer with the protagonist.

He prefers to use the axe. His goblin class is rare.

[Goblin] Gi Go

A goblin with many wounds on his body. The food of his horde was stolen by the gray wolves, so he made a decision to follow the protagonist. He is the most experienced amongst the goblin rares. His weapon is a curved katana. He acts like a samurai.

Recently became a noble, and received the divine protection of the Sword God, Ra Baruza.

[Goblin] Gi Za

The druid goblin rare that recently joined them.

[Goblin] Gi Ji

A goblin rare. He evolved in chapter 37 after hunting with Gi Ga.

[Goblin] Gi Do

Druid. Uses wind magic.

[Goblin] Gi Jii

Goblin Rare. From Gi Gu’s Faction. He is known for his Wide-Open Eyes>> which allows him to see his opponent’s weakness.

[Goblin] Gi Da

Goblin Rare. From Gi Ga’s faction. Notable skills are Knowledge of the Spear>> and Unreasonably Stubborn>>.

[Goblin] Gi Zu.

Goblin Rare. The goblin favored by the Mad God (Zu Oru). Has the Mad Dog>> skill.

[Goblin] Gi Zo

Druid. Water magician.

[Goblin] Gi De

Beast tamer.

[table caption=”Status” colalign=”left|left|center|left|right”]

, ,

Name, Lili Aureya

Class, Human

Level, 56

Job, Adventurer

Possessed Skills, Swordsmanship C+; The Mind’s Eye; Three Stage Slash; Innate Talent; Oath of the Knight; Counter; Echo Steps [Divine Protection] Sword God; God of Flames

Attribute, Fire

Abnormal Status, Due to the Scar of Defeat – you have been afflicted with Altesia’s Curse. Innate Ability and The Mind’s Eye are sealed. Fighting spirit reduced by 40%.




With her head hung, Lili prostrated herself before Reshia.

“Ms. Lili!?”

For someone such as Lili who is working as an adventurer, which is both dangerous and unsuitable for a woman, her pride is naturally extremely high.

It was precisely because Reshia knew that that she couldn’t help but stare wide-eyed when she saw Lili’s conduct.

“For what exactly? In any case, please tell me the details first.”

Lili finally raised her head up, and spoke.

“In the past, I aspired to become a knight. Because of that I’ve read many tales regarding knights. I just happened to remember one of those tales.”

Lili looked desperate as she grasped the dirt of the ground. Reshia quietly listened to her.

“The Tale of the Iron Arm Knight, Ritzergelt.”

He lost his right arm in battle, so he used a metal arm in place of his missing limb, and wandered the country. He garnered plenty of achievements throughout his travels, and in the end, he became a meritorious knight-commander.

“The Ivory Tower knows how to make prosthetics, right? Please teach me that!”

The Ivory Tower is a treasure trove of knowledge.

And it seems there are actually quite a number of high-class nobles and renowned warriors who were able to continue fighting with the use of prosthetics. Reshia can’t say for sure whether this is true though as she’s only heard of it, and had never really seen one.

And of course, neither has Lili. Her experience as an adventurer is shallow and before she could find the spare time to gather knowledge of this world, she was taken captive.

But it seems that she’s heard of rumors of those sort of people.

Moreover, even the possibility that such a thing is possible because of the knowledge of the Ivory Tower.

The knowledge of the Ivory Tower is truly worthy of a thousand gold.

That was common sense even amongst the adventurers.

“What are you going to do after learning it?”

“I will make them, and give them to Gi Ga.”

“Is that the right thing for an adventurer to do? Or is that…… your decision as the person, Lili?”

Adventurers are those who stand against the monsters. Wielding their great strength, they mow down hordes of monsters throughout the world. They are the vanguards meant for that purpose.

As Reshia questioned Lili, the aura she gave off was not one that belonged to the image of the young girl, Reshia, but that of the saint.

“I don’t know,” said Lili. “But I have sworn to my sword, and challenged Lord Gi Ga to a duel. The duel must be fair.”

Lili tightly held the grip of her sword, and she said.

“Seeing Lord Gi Ga swing his spear without his leg or arm made me think I would lose. I can’t go back to being an adventurer while remaining defeated.”

That is a wall.

Unless I wipe away this defeat, I won’t be able to move forward.

“I beg of you, Lady Reshia… I don’t want to lose!”

There is a great difference between losing mentally and losing in skill.

Lili had to challenge them. Gi Ga… and her own self.

“…I understand,” nodded Reshia. “But there’s a condition.”

“What is it?”

“Please win,” sweetly smiled Reshia.

“Yes!” strongly nodded Lili.


He tumbled onto the ground, and he looked up the night sky.

He thought back on Lili who dropped by during the afternoon. She challenged him to a duel, but perhaps she was cheering him on.

After all, although it was a bit strange, he couldn’t feel the slightest tinge of ill will from her. Moreover, the gaze she sent back to him seemed to be just about to burst out into tears at any time.

Normally, when humans mean ill, scorn could be seen in their eyes, but…

It was already nighttime. But although there was no time left until the promised day, Gi Ga’s body was cruelly heavy. With only one leg, he couldn’t handle his spear no matter how hard he tried.

He wondered why.

It’s the same spear I’ve always been using, so why am I having such a hard time after having only lost one leg. Before I became a rare class, and got the attention of the king… before the village was attacked by the orc leader… I was always fighting with a spear.

It was an absurd feeling. As if something that had always been beside him had suddenly become so distant.

“Are you that unhappy just because I lost an arm and a leg?”

Those words were asked to the spear that was pierced into the ground, but no answer was returned.

Of course.

Spears can’t talk. It can only bow to his will, and show his strength as he wishes.

That’s how it’s supposed to be.

“I am unhappy.”

Gi Ga jumped up at the unexpected response.


“I am greatly unsatisfied.”

He couldn’t help but stare at the spear that was pierced into the ground. Who knew it would actually talk to him?

“Did the spear talk…?”

“What are you saying?”

Thinking it strange, he looked up. There, he saw Lili.

When he saw her, his face visibly grimaced. But she intentionally ignored that.

“There should still be another day until our duel,” said Gi Ga.

“Right,” nodded Lili as she struck out a wooden rod.

“What is this?”

“Your new leg.”

Gi Ga inclined his head as if asking, what are you talking about? Something like this couldn’t be a leg. A leg is a bit more like…

As he was thinking that, Lili knelt by his feet, and installed the wooden rod to where Gi Za’s missing leg should have been. She reinforced it with a leather belt, adjusted the size to match the length of Gi Ga’s other leg, and then wrapped the leather belt around it.

“This’ll hurt a bit.”

The strong gaze Lili shot as she looked up showed that it would really hurt, so Gi Ga gritted his teeth.


With the sensation of something digging into his flesh coupled with the pain, it certainly felt like he had a new leg.

“Try standing,” suggested Lili.

As Lili helped Gi Ga, he tried to stand himself up, and for the first time in a while, he was able to stand on his two legs.

As Gi Ga took a few steps, dazed, a voice of wonder leaked out of him.


I can walk.

It feels like it’s digging into my flesh a bit, but this artificial leg can definitely support my body.

“…Why? Why would you give this to me? Won’t this be disadvantageous for you in our duel?”

After the third step, Gi Ga stopped, and after much trouble, he turned around to face Lili.

“A duel should be fair,” said Lili.

Her straight gaze proved that there were no other reasons than that.

“…I thank you,” said Gi Ga.

“It’s too early for those words yet. Let me hear them after the duel.”

“I see.”

As Gi Ga deeply bowed, Lili turned her back on him, and briskly walked.

As Gi Ga watched her back disappear in to the distance, he looked up the night sky.

“King, I can still fight!”

I want to meet the king soon.


Facing each other were the spirit of one woman and one beast. The surrounding area was quiet.

It was now the promised day.

Gi Ga and Lili faced off at the plaza of the village. The sound of the long sword being drawn from its sheath resounded as Lili drew her weapon. Opposite her, Gi Ga stood firmly on his two legs over the ground. He let the tip of his spear fall as he held his weapon in a lowered stance.

Gi Ga’s body sunk.

The goblin who possessed an indomitable soul, called out.

“Come!” yelled Gi Ga.

The knight sworn to victory replied.

“Bring it!” she said back.

And so, within the village where the king was not, the curtains over a duel was drawn.


He took a step with his artificial leg.

The tip of his spear rose up like the head of a snake. Then in an instant, his spear extended as if to bite at the throat of the foe before him.

The blade of the spear may have been removed, but Gi Ga’s attack was still strong enough to kill if received directly, but Lili slipped through that attack.

Her sword slipped through from below the already low spear. At the same time, she activated her <<Echo Steps>>, and she sped up.

Within the School of Zweil that Lili uses, the first thing one must learn as proof of one’s coming of age is this skill.

This skill is the ‘two legs’ within the principle, ‘One eye, two legs’, upon which her sword school was founded. The great speed brought about by her <<Echo Steps>> is a special skill unseen in other styles.

Lili’s accelerated sword aimed for Gi Ga’s body. The tip of the spear was flicked, and the sword came swinging from another angle.

Fitting for the senses of a beast out in the wild, Gi Ga immediately took back the spear he had struck out as he sensed danger coming. Then he jumped back, dodging the trajectory of the swinging sword, and he struck out the handle of his spear over the trajectory to protect his body.

Lili’s long sword crashed into his spear, sending a shock running through his body. But Lili’s slender arms did not have enough strength behind them to break the tip of his spear.

Gi Ga took some distance, and paid careful attention where Lili would move.

In a match between spear and sword, the deciding factor will be the distance.

Gi Ga still had some of that.

“This artificial leg is quite good,” he said.

Like second nature, Lili wielded her long sword over her shoulder as she fixed her stance.

“A handicap of having just one arm just isn’t enough,” fiercely laughed Gi Ga.

Lili smiled back in response.

“Let’s go!” she yelled.

“Come!” challenged Gi Ga.

The one who attacked was Lili. She sped up with the use of her <<Echo Steps>>, and she swung down the sword over her shoulders with all her strength.

Gi Ga struck out his spear to meet Lili’s sword, but the speed of her sword was faster than he expected, causing him to click his tongue.

So you weren’t serious a while ago!

But it was too late.

The moment Gi Ga tried to bring back his spear, Lili tried to add another blow, proving her sword faster than Gi Ga’s spear. This time Gi Ga jumped back completely unlike before. The descending blade then split into three, and rained over Gi Ga.

The three slashes hollowed the ground, causing clouds of dust to gather up, shrouding the two warriors. But when the veil of dust cleared up, only Lili could be seen.

“…What is the meaning of this?” asked Gi Ga.

“It’s nothing. It’s just that your king isn’t the only one who can use skills. Humans also have their own.”

As she swept the cloud of dust at her feet with a sweep of her sword, she once again wielded it over her shoulder.

“Now, come and fully taste the might of the Zweil Sword Style!”





30 responses to “Goblin Kingdom Volume 1 Chapter 52.67: Gossips – The One Who Chose the Sword”

  1. Belkar Avatar

    Thank you!

  2. goblinrou Avatar

    Gi Ga you crazy if you think spears talk…

    1. ryouha26 Avatar

      Says the Goblin who eats creatures to learn their language…. Try eating spears too XD (I think you already did though… The Dragon Slayer guy I think)

    2. Kody Avatar

      To be fair he is a goblin in a fantasy world where gods and magic exist. A talkimg spear isnt that far out there really in his situation.

      1. Nikolay Babkin Avatar
        Nikolay Babkin

        It’s more due to him being depressed and at the end of his rope. In a normal state, he would look around to see who spoke instead of thinking it was the spear.

  3. ryouha26 Avatar

    My wish became true!!!! Gi Ga is back for moreeeee!!!!

    Thnx for the chappy~ Nanodesu~

  4. fmvm483 Avatar

    thanks for the chp

  5. kingofnoms Avatar

    thanks for the chap om nom nom nom nom

  6. GonZ555 Avatar

    Meatbun Delivery~
    Thank you for the chapter 😁

    The legend of the pegged goblin has hust begun~

  7. Ian Avatar

    if you made a leg, why not do the full job with the arm?=/

    1. Sethnix Avatar

      Pretty sure it’s a “Pirate style” wood leg (at least that is what I Understood)

  8. Edumas Avatar

    dont worry folks a metal arm is marching his as we speak

  9. PervKing Avatar

    I hope we get back to the MC’s main story. These fillers are not of interest to me.

    1. kingofnoms Avatar

      There is one more and then we go back to the MC’s story also he is going to go and conquer the tribe that can use mounts paradua? i think the name is.

  10. King of the End Avatar

    Thanks for the chapter.

  11. disaster Avatar

    i really don’t get the episode titles anymore

  12. addictoholic Avatar

    Oh man, if Gi Ga is killed by the holy knights and they take away the girls, I swear I’ll will pucking flip! All this talk of wanting to meet the king and grow strong again, coupled with the introduction of the psychopatic knights is giving me a seriously bad feeling.
    Hopefully it’s a misplaced premonition…

    1. kingofnoms Avatar

      I think instead of the knights killing gi ga, reshia will beg for the lives of the goblins to be spared, then will go with them though one or two lesser goblins may be killed.

      1. addictoholic Avatar

        You’re right, that does sound like a pretty plausible outcome.
        Boy do I hate the human villains in this web novel. If only they would let the goblin king take over the world in peace…

        1. kingofnoms Avatar

          Yeah i know what you mean i really love how the author blurred the line between monster and human i guess the knights have to die for the country to surrender not that they will even if they do die human pride and all.

    2. Nikolay Babkin Avatar
      Nikolay Babkin

      Either Reshia will come to the rescue or the HKs will get blindsided by something even worse on the way there and the kingdom will send a regular army in, believing there is some horribly monster that was able to kill the three HKs.

      1. kingofnoms Avatar

        That is also possible but if they die by this new threat that would probably mean that our MC and his subordinates are in huge trouble because these knights are the best the humans from the kingdom have and i am pretty sure that one human knight is on the same level as our MC so if they die massive sheet is gonna go down.

        1. Nikolay Babkin Avatar
          Nikolay Babkin

          I want a development that completely ruins the MC’s plans in an unexpected way. Maybe forcing him to bend that stiff neck of his to Altesia.

  13. kingofnoms Avatar

    No chapter this week?

  14. RSR123 Avatar

    If Reshia knows how to make a prosthetic leg, why didn’t she suggest it to the MC when they talked about Gi Ga’s situation before?

    1. Darkness Avatar

      Yeah, I agree too

  15. WIMN Avatar

    Hicup is dat u???

  16. Shiro Avatar

    That’s dumb
    1. Why reshia didn’t make that leg earlier?
    2. Why the fck MC who is probably from future don’t think of makeing protestic’s limb’s?
    3.only i think author made that all too forcibly only to make some love or best friends in them?

    1. theblasblas Avatar

      She’s still on the side of humans, she won’t just volunteer secret information. I’m guessing she only told Lili because she’s human
      Peglegs are more complex than they look, there’s a bunch of straps and stuff. Goblins aren’t very good craftsmen, most can’t even use bows.
      This develoment isn’t forced at all. Lili likes to fight, as evident from her asking MC to let her spar, so her sympathising with Gi Ga makes sense.

  17. Cachorrinho de Di Ga Avatar
    Cachorrinho de Di Ga

    O que posso dizer, meu amorzinho está de volta

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