Goblin Kingdom – Volume 2: The Distant Paradise – Chapter 99: Objectives

Goblin Name Cheat Sheet

The [Goblin] is to make it easier to CTRL+F

[Goblin]Gi Ga
The goblin in that estranged group that was with the protagonist when he defeated an orc. He is currently a noble class, the highest amongst the protagonist’s subordinates. He prefers to use the spear.

[Goblin] Gi Gu
The former leader of the village. He was pressured by the protagonist in his goblin noble form, and was added to his subordinates. He uses the long sword, and is relatively smart for a goblin rare. Became a goblin noble in chapter 39.

[Goblin] Gi Gi
Known as a beast warrior, a goblin with the ability to tame beasts.
He evolved while hunting spear deer with the protagonist.
He prefers to use the axe. His goblin class is rare.

[Goblin] Gi Go
A goblin with many wounds on his body. The food of his horde was stolen by the gray wolves, so he made a decision to follow the protagonist. He is the most experienced amongst the goblin rares. His weapon is a curved katana. He acts like a samurai.

Recently became a noble, and received the divine protection of the Sword God, Ra Baruza.

[Goblin] Gi Za
The druid goblin rare that recently joined them.

[Goblin] Gi Ji
A goblin rare. He evolved in chapter 37 after hunting with Gi Ga. He has the <> skill which makes him great for scouting.

[Goblin] Gi Do
Druid. Uses wind magic.

[Goblin] Gi Jii
Goblin Rare. From Gi Gu’s Faction. He is known for his <> which allows him to see his opponent’s weakness.

[Goblin] Gi Da
Goblin Rare. From Gi Ga’s faction. Notable skills are <> and <>.

[Goblin] Gi Zu.
Goblin Rare. The goblin favored by the Mad God (Zu Oru). Has the <> skill.

[Goblin] Gi Zo
Druid. Water magician.

[Goblin] Gi De
Beast tamer.

[Goblin] Aluhaliha
Leader of Paradua, one of the four goblin tribes and are known for their use of rider-beasts, which are essentially giant tigers.

[Goblin] Rashka
Leader of Gaidga, one of the four goblin tribes and are known for their valor and brutish strength.

[Goblin] Gilmi
Receiver of the title, The First Archer. He is the second in command in Ganra, one of the four tribes known for their rare ability amongst goblins to use bows.

[Goblin] Narsa
The Princess of Ganra. She is the only female goblin rare introduced so far.


Other Characters


Reshia Fel Zeal (17 years-old)
The priestess known as the saint. As the Healing Goddess’ follower, she lives to spread the word and teach righteousness. She has the divine protection of the goddess, and can heal others.

Lili (21 years-old)
She studied the famous sword style, Zweil Style, in the capital. She has sworn fealty to Reshia. And while she may have lost to the protagonist in one hit, she has proven herself strong enough to easily defeat three normal goblins.

Mattis (26 years-old)
The second son of a farmer. He’s largely responsible for drying the meat to preserve them.

Chinos (24 years-old)
The third son of a farmer. He plows the fields and is close to Mattis.

Keifel (28 years-old)
An adventurer who took on a request to escort Reshia through the Forest of Darkness. He’s strong enough that he could easily wield a steel great sword, but the protagonist still managed to kill him.

Zeon (32 years-old)
A follower of Ativ. He specializes in fire magic. In his battle against the protagonist, he used his fire magic, but still lost. In the end, he tried to blow himself up along with the protagonist, but the protagonist’s words agitated him, causing him to lose the opportunity.

Tinra (23 years-old)
A villager. She is one of the women used by the goblins as a breeding machine that the protagonist killed.

Ashtal Do Germion (59 years-old)
The king that rules the western region of the continent in which the Forest of Darkness and the connecting borders are included. He is a powerful ruler with seven holy knights under him. He has recently ordered three of those holy knights to search for the saint.

Gowen Ranid (45 years-old)
The feudal lord that rules over the region next to the Forest of Darkness. As one of the country’s strongest powers, he is renowned as the Iron-Armed Knight. He is currently leading his soldiers in a quest to find the saint.

Gulland Rifenin (31 years-old)
A former adventurer. As one of the country’s strongest powers, he is renowned as the Storm Knight. He’d been stationed in the northern mountains, but the king called him back to send him off in a quest for the saint.

Gene Marlon (24 years-old)
As one of the country’s strongest powers, he is renowned as Lightning-Fast Knight. He was previously stationed at the south, but the king called him back to send him on a quest to search for the saint. Killing is his favorite past-time. Whether it’s a man, a demihuman or a monster, they’re all just pieces of meat to be cut down before him.

Herculean Wyatt (40 years-old)
A member of the Blood Oath of the Flying Swallow. He specializes in handling great shields. He has a gentle personality, but beware for his anger isn’t one to be taken lightly.

Mage Killer Mill (19 years-old)
A member of the Blood Oath of the Flying Swallow. She is an assassin that favors the use of talons. Renowned as the mage killer, she is a mage’s worst nightmare.

Wand of Destruction Bellan (37 years-old)
A member of the Blood Oath of the Flying Swallow. He wields a fire staff. As a former knight, he cares a great deal about honor.

Hawk-Eyed Fick (31 years-old)
An adventurer with two names. He has exceptional perception and skill. He is currently searching through the Forest of Darkness under Gulland’s lead.

The White Hand of Life (Previously translated as divine hands) (Age Unknown)
A priest robed in white. She specializes in healing and support. Her age, name, and origin are all unknown.

Vitz (25 years-old)
A talkative sword-wielding adventurer. He’s actual strength isn’t bad, but he’s still far from being deserving of a second name.

Yugil (26 years-old)
An adventurer and an unwilling shield bearer. He might appear old, but he is actually still young.

Yoshu (26 years-old)
The younger brother of the slaves Gene purchased. The collar of obedience around his neck keeps him from going against Gene’s orders. Healers are rare, so he’s been made into a shield bearer.

Shumea (28 years-old)
The older sister of the slaves Gene purchased. The collar of obedience around her neck keeps her from going against Gene’s orders. Contrast to her brother who bears a shield, she uses a spear.

Household of the Gods

The Goddess of the Underworld and the Goddess of Valor. As the goddess the snakes serve, she has given her blessing to the protagonist. She is a dangerous woman with her deep jealousy and fierce temperament.

The Goddess of Healing. She has given her blessing to Reshia. She has also warned the protagonist to protect her. Altesia might hate her, but she doesn’t feel the same way toward Altesia.

Pitch Black (Verid)
A one-eyed red-eyed snake that belongs to the Goddess of the Underworld.

Twin-Headed Snake
Known to the goblins as the Lord of Decay. He is one of the snakes that fought the world with the Goddess of the Underworld.


The elven woman Gene purchased. She became a slave after running away from her tribe.

A high kobold. She is one of the protagonist’s pets.
The protagonist managed to tame her by giving her orc corps and other meat as bait.
She is a fortuitous kobold who somehow managed to become the leader of her pack.

As the pup of the gray wolves, she has been given the elven name that means lady of the lake. Reshia, Lili, and other children and women are quite taken by her lovely fur.

As the pup of the gray wolves, he has been given the name of a wise human monarch that means sovereign of the wind’s howls. His uninhibited personality leads him to battle Hasu for ranks on a daily basis.

A timid orc. Gol Gol had taken a liking for him despite his small body. After Gol Gol died, he led the orcs to the west, but the protagonist managed to capture them.

Gol Gol
The orc king that attacked the village. He is a berserker who can use skills. He was defeated by the protagonist.


Volume 2: Chapter 99 – Objectives

[table caption=”Status” colalign=”left|left|center|left|right”]
Race, Goblin
Level, 36
Class, King; Ruler
Possessed Skills, Ruler of the Demon Children of Chaos; Defiant Soul; World Devouring Howl; Sword Mastery A-; Dominator; King’s Soul; Ruler’s Wisdom III; Household of the Gods; One-Eyed Snake’s Evil Eye; The King’s Dance at the Edge of Death; Magic Manipulation; Soul of the Berserk King; Third Impact (The Third Chant); Instinct; Blessing of the Underworld Goddess
Divine Protection, Goddess of the Underworld (Altesia)
Attributes, Darkness; Death
Subordinate Beasts, High Kobold Hasu (Lv77); Gastra (Lv20); Cynthia (Lv20); Orc King (Bui) (Lv82)
Abnormal Status, Blessing of the One-Eyed Snake; Protection of the Twin-Headed Snake


It’s been two days since Gi Go Amatsuki left the village. The assassin, Gi Ji Arsil, strongly advised to chase after him, but I chose to leave the goblin be and begin our move to the west instead.

We took the carts we recovered from the humans, and disassembled them to create palanquins to be carried by four normal goblins, allowing easier transportation for the pregnant and younger goblins. Our destination was the Fortress of the Abyss.

When the ancient beast tamer, Gi Gi Orudo, and the shaman, Gi Ga Zakuend, saw the carts a heated debate took place.

The topic was: What is this object?

The goblins could not imagine the use of carts to carry goods and commodities, as the forest did not have uniformly level ground. When Gi Gi noted the wheels attached to the carts, he thought them similar to the moons. And so, he concluded: Ah, this must be an idol! An idol made in the image of the moons!

“But if these are idols, how do the humans use them to worship?” Gi Za asked.

Gi Gi quickly found an answer to Gi Za’s question. He took one of his wild dogs and placed it on the other end of the cart, while he positioned himself next to the other end… And then he jumped on the cart, lifting the dog, sending it flying into the sky.

“Wooooof!?” the dog pitifully cried until it eventually landed on a tree. Upon landing, the branches broke, and it screamed even more, and when it hit the ground, it fainted.

Must’ve been scary.

“This is how they send offerings to the moons!”

He was wrong, but Gi Gi’s short demonstration was able to convince Gi Ji Arsil and Gi Zu Ruo.

In the blink of an eye, the heated debate reached a boiling point. It was then that Shumea happened to be passing by.

“Or you know what! How about we just ask Lord Shumea!” Gi Do said.

The clamoring goblins all looked at each other, and then with a nod, they surrounded the human female. The pressure emanating from the debater goblins caused even the usually cool Shumea to wince.

“Lord Shumea, tell us! What is that thing!? Is it an idol or a moving shield!?” Gi Za asked.

“Umm… It’s a cart used to transport stuff? Is something the matter?”

Contrast the goblins’ zealous questioning, Shumea’s answer was so matter-of-factly that it was like pouring could water over fire. The goblins went completely silent.

I wasn’t intending to make fun of them, but when I saw Gi Za and Gi Gi unable to look each other in the eye, I broke out laughing.

“K-King… Could it be… You knew?” Gi Za bitterly asked.

“Rather than waste your time on petty things, you should hurry up and prepare,” I said to forcefully steer the topic away.

Well, it’s good to find new things to be interested with.


Along the way I pondered over our future actions.

Our biggest objective currently is to strengthen and expand the horde. I need to amass hordes of goblin warriors in order to take Reshia back with these two hands, then I need to take a country to set a foothold for us in the world of humans.

The question then is how.

The goblin race has great diversity and is the second most populous race after the humans. I checked this with Shumea, and it seems to hold true. Moreover, as far as adventurers and battle slaves are concerned, the goblins are considered to be weak and common, the kind of monster you could see anywhere.

Where there are humans, there are goblins.

If so, then there should be many more hordes of goblins in the forest… Even in the plains where the humans rule, or to the west beyond the Forest of the Abyss, or to the south, past the village, or even to the north, beyond the orc village; where there is land untrodden, unknown goblins may lurk.

Gathering all of these goblins by myself is out of the question. Who knows how long it would take me to accomplish such a feat alone? Hence, I should make use of the more highly evolved goblins among my ranks to bring those goblins to me. If they fail… The female goblins are with me. Even in the worst case, we won’t be wiped out.

In an area two days away from the village, I had Gi Gu Verbena summoned.

“Gi Gu Verbena, you are aware that Gi Go has left the village?”

“…Yes, Your Highness, but I am fully confident that he holds no desire to incite a rebellion.”

“I know. He is not that sort of person,” generously nodded.

Being Gi Go’s rival, it seems he understands him quite well.

“I shall send you as my representative.”

“Please enlighten me, Your Highness.”

“You are to go to the south. There you shall take the local goblins and bring them before me.”

I have given the noble goblins the right to have a household. Right now, I am telling him to exercise that right.

Gi Gu Verbena seems to have understood that, as he tightly held the sword sheathed by his waist and bowed his head deeply.

“I will not fail you, my king.”

“May the fortunes of war be with you.”


Then he turned around and left with the speed of a beast.

“Because I can’t go, right?” Gi Za asked from behind me.

“You and Gi Ga are as stubborn as rocks after all,” I sarcastically laughed, at which he too laughed.

The next day I sent Gi Gi Orudo to the north and Gi Zu Ruo to the south-west.

After that we finally arrived at the Fortress of the Abyss.

“Welcome home, Your Majesty!” Kuzan of Gordob said as she prostrated her small, white body before me.

“Did anything happen while I was gone?”

“Nope! I cleaned the place up too.”

That’s not really it, but alright, it seems nothing is amiss.

“These are the goblins of Eastern Village. Assign them rooms to sleep in.”

“Please leave it to me!”

As Kuzan was counting the goblins, she noted the elf, Selena’s, presence.

“There’s actually a small cave dwellerKoro Toku in a place like this?” Selena said in surprise, while Kuzan looked back with confusion.

“Koro toku? I am Kuzan of Gordob… You are a wind elfSylph, yes?”

“My apologies, Lord Kuzan,” Gi Za interjected, “I have a prior engagement with this elf. There is still much to learn regarding the elf’s knowledge on magic. If you have business with her, please settle it later.”

Selena immediately hid behind Shumea when Gi Za appeared, while Kuzan ran off to count the rest of the horde.


After word had been sent that the various representatives of the four tribes had all returned safely, a banquet was held. By the time the banquet had ended, Kuzan also finished assigning rooms to the goblins, while the goblins who were seeing the fortress for the first time finally managed to wake themselves up from the surprise.

It was during that time that I called Selena and Shumea over. I only had business with Selena, but I called the both of them since Selena would probably have reservations about coming alone.

“Boss, you needed something?” Shumea asked.

Selena was hiding behind Shumea as always when they entered.

I know I’m scary, but can’t she get over it already?

The image of a certain girl flashed through my mind. It did not take long for her to grow accustomed to me. That didn’t change even when I evolved. For a moment, I felt my chest ache.

No… Don’t think about her.

Shaking those thoughts away, I spoke to my two guests. “Yes, my apologies for calling you at such a time… There’s something I want to know about the elves.”

“Oh, if it’s something like that, then…” Shumea said.

“Right, if it’s something like that, count me in too,” Gi Za suddenly entered the room.

Where the hell did you come from? The two girls’ looks seemed so say as they watched Gi Za leisurely take a seat beside me.

“Well, go on. Speak!” Gi Za excitedly said like a kid about to go on a trip.

Chuckling, I prompted Shumea and Selena to start.

According to legends of old passed down among the elves of the wind, the sylphs, the gods followed after Deetna to create the various races.

The god of forest, Chenzhen, and the god of water, Iren, created the elves.

The god of wind, Castor, and the god of earth, Nmaro, sculpted the demihumans out of the ores.

The god of illusions, Famil, and the god of dreams, Jeje, weaved dreams and illusions together to create the dragons.

The god of starfaring, Tear, traveled the stars and gathered ingredients to create the giants.

Like that the various races were created.

Shumea and Selena were wide-eyed as I spoke. It seems they didn’t expect a goblin like myself to be capable of speaking such things.

“Didn’t your mother tell you it’s rude to leave your mouth open?”

Selena promptly shut her jaws closed.

“Wow, boss, I really didn’t expect a goblin such as yourself to know such things…” Shumea said as she scratched her head, seemingly still shocked.

Well, normally that would be the case.

“Anyway, let’s hear it.”

Selena turned to Shumea with a troubled look, while the latter patted her on the back while reassuring her that it was alright.

Selena nervously started to talk, and Gi Za and I listened with rapt attention.

The beings known as elves were largely divided into four types. Each type was given a name according to the spirit they were associated with. The fire elves: the salamanders, the water elves: the undines, the earth elves: the gnomes, and the wind elves: the sylphs. The most influential of the elves were the undines, who worshiped the water goddess, followed by the gnome and sylphs. Last were the salamanders, who were strong individually but few in number.

Selena herself did not know much about the other elves. The sylphs lived with the forest and died with the forest. This has been their way of life since long ago. To play with the wind and die under the blessings of the forest was the greatest happiness any sylph could ask for.

The sylphs either worshiped the god of wind, Castor, or the god of forest, Chenzhen. They were long-lived, but it was at most only twice a human’s life. Supposedly, there were those who lived three times as long as humans, but Selena did not know any such sylph.

The sylphs were mostly hunters, but unlike the goblins, they hunted with their bows and offered prayers before eating to purify the meat.

Like joining your hands together to say grace?

The sylphs mostly married among themselves and rarely interfered with the other elves.

I quietly listened while Gi Za would ask questions from time to time.

Selena talked endlessly even as the dawn approached.

Tl Note: Aight, I changed everything back to elf. I honestly have no idea whether all these gnome, undine… etc. are supposed to be elves, but when I take away my preconceptions about elves, that’s what the text seems to say, so let’s just go with that.

For a more technical explanation: The author gave 妖精族 (sprite/fairy/elf) the エルフ (Elf) reading, so 妖精族 should be read as elf. 風の妖精族 was given the シルフ (Sylph) reading, but the words that compose it can be read as wind sprite or wind elf. If we just use the given reading for 妖精族, however, it suggests wind elf. When you look at it this way, it seems obvious, but I just really find it hard to reconcile gnomes, undines… etc. with elves. Anyway, let’s just go with this, as I can’t afford to read the whole book right now to figure out if my conjectures are correct.





15 responses to “Goblin Kingdom – Volume 2: The Distant Paradise – Chapter 99: Objectives”

  1. Paul Verlaine Avatar
    Paul Verlaine

    Thanks jiggly

  2. abloodyhypocrite Avatar

    Thank you for the chapter!

  3. ViciousKiwi Avatar

    Jiggly has been working hard! Thank you

  4. SaMu Avatar

    Thanks for the chapter. Gi Za the ninja druid, stalking elves like a pro

  5. sapassd Avatar

    thanks for the chapter

  6. goblinrou Avatar

    Gi Za gonna evolve to ninja druid

  7. Chaoton Avatar

    There is really high chance that Selena and Gi Za could get along really well later, in normal stereo type that might not applied to this I mean.


    Thanks 4 the chapter

  9. thelastcake Avatar

    It means a lot, knowing that I can always read a chapter nearly every day.
    Keep up the good work~

  10. natsukage Avatar

    Thanks. You deserve a microphone and a stage. ^_^

  11. Chuo Avatar

    Maybe it is like in urban fantasy where they are all Fae, gnomes, elfs, giants, and a bunch of different special creatures are considered fae.

    Thanks for the translation and really awesome that you have been able to keep up this pace. Don’t burn out though. 👍✌

    1. Chaoton Avatar

      Maybe we can assume that sprites are demi-human that isn’t beastmen and isn’t classified as monster.

  12. Avalarion Avatar

    Seems to me author is a fan of Sword Art online and used their elf races. Gnomes, Sylphs, Salamanders and Undines all considered elfs, all have wings.


  13. tatticky Avatar

    I can easily see the connection with Gnomes, since pre-Tolkien elves were often very short (think Santa’s elves). In fact, in some contexts “elf” could be synonymous with “dwarf”!

  14. BrilliantBlood Avatar

    Think of the Undines Slyphs, Salamanders, and gnomes as sprites. Also known as the faeries. Think SAO in Yggdrasil

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