Goblin Kingdom – Volume 2: The Distant Paradise – Intermission: One Thousand Li to the North, a Meeting at Dawn (1/2)

Goblin Name Cheat Sheet

The [Goblin] is to make it easier to CTRL+F

[Goblin]Gi Ga
The goblin in that estranged group that was with the protagonist when he defeated an orc. He is currently a noble class, the highest amongst the protagonist’s subordinates. He prefers to use the spear.

[Goblin] Gi Gu
The former leader of the village. He was pressured by the protagonist in his goblin noble form, and was added to his subordinates. He uses the long sword, and is relatively smart for a goblin rare. Became a goblin noble in chapter 39.

[Goblin] Gi Gi
Known as a beast warrior, a goblin with the ability to tame beasts.
He evolved while hunting spear deer with the protagonist.
He prefers to use the axe. His goblin class is rare.

[Goblin] Gi Go
A goblin with many wounds on his body. The food of his horde was stolen by the gray wolves, so he made a decision to follow the protagonist. He is the most experienced amongst the goblin rares. His weapon is a curved katana. He acts like a samurai.

Recently became a noble, and received the divine protection of the Sword God, Ra Baruza.

[Goblin] Gi Za
The druid goblin rare that recently joined them.

[Goblin] Gi Ji
A goblin rare. He evolved in chapter 37 after hunting with Gi Ga. He has the <> skill which makes him great for scouting.

[Goblin] Gi Do
Druid. Uses wind magic.

[Goblin] Gi Jii
Goblin Rare. From Gi Gu’s Faction. He is known for his <> which allows him to see his opponent’s weakness.

[Goblin] Gi Da
Goblin Rare. From Gi Ga’s faction. Notable skills are <> and <>.

[Goblin] Gi Zu.
Goblin Rare. The goblin favored by the Mad God (Zu Oru). Has the <> skill.

[Goblin] Gi Zo
Druid. Water magician.

[Goblin] Gi De
Beast tamer.

[Goblin] Aluhaliha
Leader of Paradua, one of the four goblin tribes and are known for their use of rider-beasts, which are essentially giant tigers.

[Goblin] Rashka
Leader of Gaidga, one of the four goblin tribes and are known for their valor and brutish strength.

[Goblin] Gilmi
Receiver of the title, The First Archer. He is the second in command in Ganra, one of the four tribes known for their rare ability amongst goblins to use bows.

[Goblin] Narsa
The Princess of Ganra. She is the only female goblin rare introduced so far.

[Goblin] Yellow
From Gordob tribe. He is the father of their priestess.


Other Characters


Reshia Fel Zeal (17 years-old)
The priestess known as the saint. As the Healing Goddess’ follower, she lives to spread the word and teach righteousness. She has the divine protection of the goddess, and can heal others.

Lili (21 years-old)
She studied the famous sword style, Zweil Style, in the capital. She has sworn fealty to Reshia. And while she may have lost to the protagonist in one hit, she has proven herself strong enough to easily defeat three normal goblins.

Mattis (26 years-old)
The second son of a farmer. He’s largely responsible for drying the meat to preserve them.

Chinos (24 years-old)
The third son of a farmer. He plows the fields and is close to Mattis.

Keifel (28 years-old)
An adventurer who took on a request to escort Reshia through the Forest of Darkness. He’s strong enough that he could easily wield a steel great sword, but the protagonist still managed to kill him.

Zeon (32 years-old)
A follower of Ativ. He specializes in fire magic. In his battle against the protagonist, he used his fire magic, but still lost. In the end, he tried to blow himself up along with the protagonist, but the protagonist’s words agitated him, causing him to lose the opportunity.

Tinra (23 years-old)
A villager. She is one of the women used by the goblins as a breeding machine that the protagonist killed.

Ashtal Do Germion (59 years-old)
The king that rules the western region of the continent in which the Forest of Darkness and the connecting borders are included. He is a powerful ruler with seven holy knights under him. He has recently ordered three of those holy knights to search for the saint.

Gowen Ranid (45 years-old)
The feudal lord that rules over the region next to the Forest of Darkness. As one of the country’s strongest powers, he is renowned as the Iron-Armed Knight. He is currently leading his soldiers in a quest to find the saint.

Gulland Rifenin (31 years-old)
A former adventurer. As one of the country’s strongest powers, he is renowned as the Storm Knight. He’d been stationed in the northern mountains, but the king called him back to send him off in a quest for the saint.

Gene Marlon (24 years-old)
As one of the country’s strongest powers, he is renowned as Lightning-Fast Knight. He was previously stationed at the south, but the king called him back to send him on a quest to search for the saint. Killing is his favorite past-time. Whether it’s a man, a demihuman or a monster, they’re all just pieces of meat to be cut down before him.

Herculean Wyatt (40 years-old)
A member of the Blood Oath of the Flying Swallow. He specializes in handling great shields. He has a gentle personality, but beware for his anger isn’t one to be taken lightly.

Mage Killer Mill (19 years-old)
A member of the Blood Oath of the Flying Swallow. She is an assassin that favors the use of talons. Renowned as the mage killer, she is a mage’s worst nightmare.

Wand of Destruction Bellan (37 years-old)
A member of the Blood Oath of the Flying Swallow. He wields a fire staff. As a former knight, he cares a great deal about honor.

Hawk-Eyed Fick (31 years-old)
An adventurer with two names. He has exceptional perception and skill. He is currently searching through the Forest of Darkness under Gulland’s lead.

The White Hand of Life (Previously translated as divine hands) (Age Unknown)
A priest robed in white. She specializes in healing and support. Her age, name, and origin are all unknown.

Vitz (25 years-old)
A talkative sword-wielding adventurer. He’s actual strength isn’t bad, but he’s still far from being deserving of a second name.

Yugil (26 years-old)
An adventurer and an unwilling shield bearer. He might appear old, but he is actually still young.

Yoshu (26 years-old)
The younger brother of the slaves Gene purchased. The collar of obedience around his neck keeps him from going against Gene’s orders. Healers are rare, so he’s been made into a shield bearer.

Shumea (28 years-old)
The older sister of the slaves Gene purchased. The collar of obedience around her neck keeps her from going against Gene’s orders. Contrast to her brother who bears a shield, she uses a spear.

Household of the Gods

The goddess.
The Goddess of the Underworld and the Goddess of Valor. As the goddess the snakes serve, she has given her blessing to the protagonist. She is a dangerous woman with her deep jealousy and fierce temperament.

The Goddess of Healing. She has given her blessing to Reshia. She has also warned the protagonist to protect her. The goddess might hate her, but she doesn’t feel the same way toward The goddess.

Pitch Black (Verid)
A one-eyed red-eyed snake that belongs to the Goddess of the Underworld.

Twin-Headed Snake
Known to the goblins as the Lord of Decay. He is one of the snakes that fought the world with the Goddess of the Underworld.


The elven woman Gene purchased. She became a slave after running away from her tribe.

A high kobold. She is one of the protagonist’s pets.
The protagonist managed to tame her by giving her orc corps and other meat as bait.
She is a fortuitous kobold who somehow managed to become the leader of her pack.

As the pup of the gray wolves, she has been given the elven name that means lady of the lake. Reshia, Lili, and other children and women are quite taken by her lovely fur.

As the pup of the gray wolves, he has been given the name of a wise human monarch that means sovereign of the wind’s howls. His uninhibited personality leads him to battle Hasu for ranks on a daily basis.

A timid orc. Gol Gol had taken a liking for him despite his small body. After Gol Gol died, he led the orcs to the west, but the protagonist managed to capture them.

Gol Gol
The orc king that attacked the village. He is a berserker who can use skills. He was defeated by the protagonist.


Volume 2: Intermission – One Thousand Li to the North, a Meeting at Dawn. (1/2)

[table caption=”Status” colalign=”left|left|center|left|right”]
Name, Gi Go Amatsuki
Race, Goblin
Level, 2
Class, Duke; Wandering Swordsman
Possessed Skills, Sword Mastery A-; Purple Flash; Forsake; Sense; Discern; A Master Swordsman’s Proof; Silent Nature; Veteran
Divine Protection, Sword God
Attributes, None
Subordinate Beasts, None
Abnormal Status, Sworn to Spare; Sworn God’s Control


Beyond the cave full of glowing moss, where the light of the fire god’s body shone brilliantly up in the sky, the former slave, Yoshu’s, eyes were blinded by the great light.

He implored the goblin walking ahead of him, Gi Go Amatsuki, to stop, but the goblin waved him off.

“It’s fine,” the goblin said.

Seeing the goblin walk unguarded, Yoshu followed after him as he thought of a plan in case things turned for the worst.

“Lord Gi Go!”

A great horde of beasts was accompanying a goblin that looked to be a noble class.

From what Yoshu recalled, this goblin was none other than Mr. Gi Gi.

Beasts of all sorts frolicked about around him.

Yoshu asked if it was safe, and Gi Go told him it was with a glance.

“Normally, people would be a bit more surprised, but…” Yoshu said.

When Yoshu got a closer look, he noticed that there were some monkey-like animals mixed with the horde who would either feed the young or scratch each others backs. It was a peaceful scene; at least, as long as he did not look through those lenses called prejudice that humans had of beasts.

Gi Go received something from Gi Gi, then they bid each other farewell.

Yoshu wasn’t close to Gi Gi, so he quickly followed after Gi Go.

“You sure are close,” Yoshu remarked as they followed a distinct beast trail up to the north, most probably a trail left by Gi Gi’s beast horde.

“Our relationship is actually one where we’re one misstep away from killing each other,” Gi Go said.

“Didn’t look like that to me…” Yoshu said.

“…Before I met the king a kind of beast known as ‘gray wolf’ wreaked havoc on my turf,” Gi Go said.

Yoshu and the goblin walked while paying attention to their surroundings.

“Half the horde had been done in and we couldn’t hunt. We were left with only two choices: either starve to death or eat each other. But then the king came.”

Gi Go’s voice was heavy. Was that regret weighing upon him or something else? Yoshu did not know.

“Hungry and weak, I was mercilessly beaten by Gi Gi and Gi Gu. I didn’t even have the opportunity to stand before the king,” Gi Go said.

“It was vexing, wasn’t it?” Yoshu asked.

“…Perhaps,” Gi Go said.

As they continued along their path, their feet began to make slushing sounds.

“Since that day I’ve been keeping something locked up within me. That something was with me even on that day I gave Gi Gi food as proof of our friendship…”

Gi Go continued talking, but as he did, Yoshu was more and more surprised.

The sword is my way of life.

Yoshu had always believed Gi Go to be completely devoted to the sword.

But now… It seemed that this goblin was actually more human than he ever imagined.

The atmosphere along the way was so heavy that Yoshu even stopped feeling his legs as he walked.

Perhaps this was the reason why Gi Go was taken by the Sword God’s madness.

“A swamp,” Gi Go said as he looked down.

In the dimly lit forest that remained dim despite the body of the fire god shining from the sky was a swamp abundant with strange water plants.

It didn’t seem they would be able to cross.

“Shall we go around?” Yoshu suggested.

There was more than one path to the north.

After leaving the forest, the northern mountains of the snow god that blocked the heavens came to view.


The body of the fire god had yet to set, but they were making camp already. The dark of the night was irrelevant to goblins, but to a human like Yoshu, it was a difficult time to work. Normally, the twin red moon sisters would light the dark sky during the black of the night god, but unfortunately, the clouds today veiled their light.

Gradually, the god of the night and his household’s goddesses began to stretch their wings.

Yoshu looked hatefully at the oppressive clouds that covered the sky.

It seemed like it might rain, so they decided to make camp at the border of the forest and the plains. Yoshu would always put up a cloth between the trees to protect themselves from the watch of the night birds, but today, he added another layer.

After setting up the tent, Yoshu gathered some aged branches and lit them up.

It wasn’t easy because of all the vegetation growing, but Yoshu made sure to pick a camping site that was slightly sloped. After all, it would be horrible if it flooded and they were swept away while they were sleeping.

“This should do,” Yoshu said as he finished making camp.

In the same moment – almost as if Gi Go was waiting – Gi Go came out of the thickets with two big eyes in hand.

The pattern of a giant eye drawn on the birds’ feathers looked menacing as it seemed to look straight at Yoshu, but he ignored it and spoke to Gi Go.

“Looks like you caught a lot today,” Yoshu said.

“There seems to be a lot in these parts,” Gi Go said.

Yoshu took the prey from Gi Go and strangled them.

After killing the beasts, Yoshu started gutting them. He had already gotten used to the whole process, so much so that his hands moved even without thinking.

After lopping off the heads of the big eyes and draining their blood, Yoshu started plucking their feathers and removing the internal organs.

The big eyes stored poison within them, and any human that ingested it would be out with a high fever for a few days. The goblins and the orcs had a natural resistance to it, however.

To adventurers the biggest reason for gutting these big eyes was to get the monster crystal that sometimes crystallized within.

Of the beasts that had monster crystals inside of them, the big eyes were relatively weaker, making them a prime choice for adventurers.

Of course, the amount of magic crystals inside them was also less, making the rewards smaller, but to the adventurers who were struggling to get by, the big eyes were an indispensable source of income.

“I’m not an adventurer though…” Yoshu muttered.

Yoshu wiped the monster crystal clean and stored it in his bag. He couldn’t just leave it on the ground as it might attract other beasts.

He ran his knife along the bones, cutting off the meat of the beast, then he took a sharpened rod, pierced the meat with it, and cooked it over fire.

The fragrant scent of meat being cooked was accompanied by the sound of fat bursting.

The sight of a little fat falling into the flames as the meat was cooked greatly whet Yoshu’s appetite.

As a finishing touch, Yoshu took the rock salt he got from the village a few days ago and shaved it with a knife, then he sprinkled some on the meat.

“I’ll have one,” Gi Go said as he excitedly bit into the meat. Sounds of juice slushing resounded as the juice of the meat filled Gi Go’s mouth. Some of it even spilled onto the ground.

“Delicious,” Gi Go said.

“I’m glad you like it,” Yoshu said, smiling a little, then he started eating.

Contrast the crunchy exterior, the meat inside was soft and his teeth was easily able to tear it apart.

“Yep, it’s good alright,” Yoshu said as he nodded with satisfaction.

It’s often said that people will naturally smile when eating good food. It seems that was true indeed, even for goblins.

After eating Yoshu started teaching Gi Go how to sing. He had promised him some time ago, but it was too dangerous in the dungeon, so he had postponed it until now.

“What kind of songs do you like? Songs for battle, perhaps?” Yoshu asked.

There were all sorts of songs. There were songs that spoke of one’s homeland, ones that spoke of the seasons, ones that spoke of love, or extolled bravery or even spoke of war.

It was a rare sight to see Gi Go ponder on something, but when he finally opened his mouth, he asked Yoshu to teach him a song that thought back to one’s home.

“That’s unexpected,” Yoshu remarked.

“Really? I’m always fighting, so I can say I know war, but a place to go back to? There’s only one such place now… So, if there is a song that talks about home, I’d like to know it,” Gi Go explained.

“A place to go back to, huh?” Yoshu said.

Did he have that? Yoshu wondered.

Closing his eyes, he saw the image of his older sister appear.

Yoshu wryly smiled at that.

I’m alright, sis. I’m doing a lot better than expected.

Yoshu wrly smiled at his worrying sister, then he cleared his throat and began to sing.

“Can you remember the old lands? O winds of the vast sky, take these feelings with you. I wonder if the water flowing in the rivers came from the rain in the old lands. Mother mountain, snowy mountain, misty mountains of the north.

(Kyanmarordo rinbaru habekasutoria vesjinichi ukeru habeireria kyanrashiruudo chiukeinrei. Dinarashir, yuuguranshiru, iryunoshisurashiru.)”

Gi Go quietly listened as Yoshu sang.

“When I turn around I see the path back home. Friends of a strange land, won’t you scatter my ashes on the mountains of my homeland, where I can no longer return? In that land whose air I breathed growing up. In that land whose rain I cried under and whose snow I kicked and ran. Mother mountain, snowy mountain, misty mountains of the north.

(hadomerieddo kyanroroodo rao ishuneyuuga. Ragiirakyanmibadia. Nonmuukyandou. Katouraragiirun, uauwa, yuguerin. Dinarashiru, yuuguranshiru, iryunoshisurashiru.)”

Though goblins couldn’t cry, the mournful melody left its mark on Gi Go’s heart.

“…A good song,” Gi Go remarked.

“Yes, a good song indeed,” Yoshu agreed.

Yoshu wryly smiled as he sat before the flames thinking of his sister.


Tl Note: This chapter is a bit long, so I split it into two. Next part will be posted the day after tomorrow, as I have to post TMPG tomorrow. Schedule is a bit messed up for this week because I screwed up the schedule. We’ll be back to normal next week. I’m posting TMPG tomorrow to make up for the lack of chapter last week. They don’t get much chapters, so I need to post it tomorrow.

Also, the weird words in parentheses are the old tongue in the story, I believe. I obviously don’t understand the old tongue, so I left it in romaji. It might be a bit sloppy, though.





7 responses to “Goblin Kingdom – Volume 2: The Distant Paradise – Intermission: One Thousand Li to the North, a Meeting at Dawn (1/2)”

  1. tekreader Avatar

    Thanks for the chapter 🙂

  2. Belkar Avatar

    Thank you!

  3. Sarugami Avatar

    Thanks for the chapter. 🙂

  4. Chaoton Avatar

    Welcome back and thanks for the chapter~!

  5. Azmi Noor Avatar
    Azmi Noor

    Finally, a chapter

    Thank for the chapter

  6. Konrad Riggan Avatar

    I think Sworn God’s Control should be Sword God’s Control, thanks for the chapter.

  7. Jairo Ines Avatar
    Jairo Ines

    When Gi Go ask for a song that remember to the home I inmediatly though in this one:

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