The Man Picked up by the Gods – Volume 2 Chapter 44: Immediate Decision Immediate Action (1/2)

Monster Subjugation – 4th Day

After finishing my adventurer work at the abandond mines for the day, I walked over to Serge-san’s store.

“Good evening, Serge-san.” [Ryouma]

“I’ve been waiting Ryouma-sama. Shall we?” [Serge]

Riding on the carriage Serge prepared beforehand, we headed south of the town’s center.

Before long we reached a plain building with a sincere and vigorous aura. Dim light leaked out from its entrace. There were few people inside, but according to the employee I talked to there were indeed other people present.

I went to the receptionist desk, but the woman in charge immediately let us in and then excused herself while bowing. It seems she’s already used to Serge-san. And from the way she treats him, Serge-san seems to be quite valued.

But then again he is the president of his own company, so I guess it’s expected?

After a few minutes, a slender man and a woman that was hunched over entered the room. Serge and I tried to stand up to greet them, but the old woman just waved and smiled, indicating for us not to bother.

The man was the first to speak.

“So, it’s you, Serge. It’s been a while, hasn’t it? I haven’t heard any rumors lately, so I was wondering what you were up too.” [Slender Man]

This guy’s accent sort of sounds like a fake kansai dialect, but it still feels strangely nostalgic. I had a boss like this in the past too…

“Long time no see, Pioro.” [Serge]

“What did you come for? I doubt someone like you only shows his face during meetings would drop by just to say hi.” [Hunched Grandma]

As she said that she turned to me.

“Nice to meet you, boy. Name is Grisiera. As you can see, I’m a grandma, but I’m also the guild master of this merchants guild.” [Grisiera]

“My name is Ryouma Takebayashi. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I came here today to register myself. I know full well I’m still wet behind the ears, so please give me your guidance.” [Ryouma]

“Oh? You know your manners, don’t you, boy? Is he one of your new servants, Serge?” [Grisiera]

“You’re really well mannered. I’m Pioro Saionji. Happy to make your acquaintance. You don’t have to mind your manners when talking to me.” [Pioro]

“Ryouma Takebayashi. A pleasaure to make your acquaintance.” [Ryouma]

Saionji? Sounds Japanese. Moreover, that black hair, those black eyes, and that aura about him… Is he another otherworlder descendant?

“Ryouma, was it? I’ll remember that. So, what did you come here for, Serge?” [Pioro]

“I came here to accompany Ryouma-sama in his registration. Today, I’m but a chaperon.” [Serge]

When the two heard that, they turned to me. The guild master took a good look at me.

“Hmm… Wait here.” [Grisiera]

As she said that, she whipped out her rod and poked it against Serge-san’s head.

“You idiot! What do you think you’re doing making a kid panic!?” [Grisiera]

Huh!? How did she know what I was thinking!? Does she have a skill that allows her to read minds!?

“Ryouma, right? I can’t read minds.” [Grisiera]

You’re reading it right now!

“The years might take my strength and my youth, but my merchant’s eyes remain strong. You look like an honest boy. I just picked up on the clues and made a smart guess.” [Grisiera]

“Scary, right~? She always says that, but I bet she can actually read minds.” [Pioro]

“I’m more impressed than scared, actually, since I can’t read people very well.” [Ryouma]

“It’s something you pick up over the years. As long as your environment permits it, it’s something you’ll pick up eventually. You still have many years ahead of you, boy… I don’t know what happened in the past, but you still have your future.” [Grisiera]

“Thank you, but are you sure you really can’t read minds?” [Ryouma]

“Of course, I can’t read minds. I could tell something was weighing on your mind because of that thousand-mile look that you made as soon as you said you couoldn’t read people well.” [Griseria]


“Was I really making that sort of look?” [Ryouma]

“They were the sort of eyes an old man would make when reminiscing.” [Grisiera]

She got it right!

“Now then, I know you’re surprised, but didn’t you come here to register? It’s getting late, so let’s get it over with.” [Griseria]

At that, I started filling out the guild registration form.


Tl Note: I’m using a new machine and I’ve yet to setup the dictionary, and well… My brain tends to autocorrect everything, so without the indicators, there might be more mistakes than usual. Just point them out in the comments.

I haven’t uploaded the pdfs/ebooks yet. Umm… Tomorrow. Really. I think we have like two chapters at bay. Anyway, tomorrow.






21 responses to “The Man Picked up by the Gods – Volume 2 Chapter 44: Immediate Decision Immediate Action (1/2)”

  1. Nea-er Avatar

    Thanks for the chapter

  2. 5d100 Avatar

    looks good to me.

    Thanks for the chapter

  3. Erik Å Avatar
    Erik Å

    Thx for the chapter ^^

  4. Cutie Meow Avatar
    Cutie Meow


  5. Hosshu Avatar

    if you want a quick dictionary use KanjiTomo

  6. Kalebon Avatar

    Thank you for the chapter, looking forward to the next.

  7. Daiz71 Avatar


  8. Rain Avatar

    Thank you for the update. If there were any errors, I didn’t see them.

  9. BrashOrc Avatar

    “Of course, I can’t read minds. I could tell something was weighing on your mind because of that thousand-mile look that you made as soon as you said you couoldn’t read people well.”

    Probably should change you couoldn’t to couldn’t…

  10. kariageweb Avatar

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  11. etherealrainbowcanvas Avatar

    Thanks for the chapter!

  12. GM_Rusaku (@ Avatar

      + +
     +     +
       ∧_∧ /
    +  ( n ´ ∀ ` n NEPUUUUU~~~♪
      /  ノ \

  13. CCaprice Avatar

    Thanks for the chapter.

  14. sfcipher Avatar

    Thanks for the treat.

  15. deadbybored Avatar

    thanks for the chapter <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

  16. ThPlaneskeeper Avatar

    Thanks for the chapter!

  17. kaminokitsune Avatar

    “What did you come for? I doubt someone like you only shows his face during meetings would drop by just to say hi.” [Hunched Grandma]

    *someone like you who only

    Thank you for the chapter!

  18. KaazDov Avatar

    “My brain tends to autocorrect everything” Relatable XD

  19. Godric Kharg Avatar

    A whole chapter or part of one about reading minds… or not…

    I can feel the grimacing or role players around the world…

  20. ironyisnotdead Avatar

    Thanks for the chapter

  21. Paps Avatar

    Don’t ever understimate and old grandma all knowing eyes!!!!!!!!

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