Goblin Kingdom – Volume 1 Chapter 9: Zenobia’s Follower

TL Note: I translated this early because it’s like really short. As in 1027 words short. (Excluding the extra notes)Also, the skills, stats, and the likes are copy pasted across the chapters, so if you spot something wrong in those, please comment it immediately as it’ll become quite troublesome if it gets carried over to later chapters. Thanks in advance.

I misread 魂(soul) for 鬼(demon)… *scratches head. Sorry about that guys. As a result <<prowling demon>> will be changed to <<wandering soul>>.

(2015/09/03) Edited some lines for accuracy and flow.
(2015/09/03) Edited a line in the author’s note to make it easier to understand.
(2015/09/20) Fixed a line near the end. Ruler’s Knowledge -> Ruler’s Widom. Term should’ve been the same but was different.


Chapter 9: Zenobia’s Follower

[Race] Goblin
[Level] 43
[Class] Noble; King of a Group
[Possessed Skills] <<Commander of a Group>> <<Defiant Will>> <<Overpowering Howl>> <<Swordsmanship C+>> <<Avarice>> <<Wandering Soul>>
[Divine Protection] Goddess of the Underworld, Altesia
[Attributes] Darkness, Death

“Ku… Monster!”

The female swordsman’s hair was red like lilies, flowing, as she hurled insults towards me one after another. Perhaps she’s noticed it already. That there’s no longer anything she can do. And with no other path left, she’s resorted to attacking me mentally. Or then again, she might simply be trying to rid the anxiety of the person behind her.


The thickets swayed, and my subordinates came out group by group. They then gathered around the surviving humans, rose their voices as if to threaten, and began hitting the ground with their clubs.

Watching that scene, the humans’ blood left their faces, and they became pale in fear.

Now, how should I play with these?

As I thought that to myself, the nun the female swordsman was covering caught my attention.

Light overflowed from the girl’s hands, wrapping the unconscious axe-wielding man in light. As that light wrapped the man, the flowing blood stopped.

“Let solace be blesseth to all (Heal).”

At that moment, I was watching in fascination as I looked on from the side at the nun whose eyes were closed.

It was as if all of man’s greed had vanished in that instant. An inhuman elegance that mustn’t be trampled.

It was before my very eyes. Yet it felt as if I couldn’t reach her even if I were to reach out my hands. A height that was beyond my reach.

I want you.

The stretching hand from that sea of longing grasped my entrails, jolting my entire being, and bringing me down to the ground.

I was brought down to my knees, my head, bowed, and my posture prostrated before her feet.

If only…

If I could only pluck that flower, then…

Even if my dreams were to be –

I strongly shut my eyes and shook my head to those resounding thoughts.

Someone is interfering with my thoughts. It’s making me nauseous.

The screams of grief and lamentation lashed out against me, causing my brain felt like it could burst to flames at any moment.

Longing, longing for my beloved, that seemingly endless anguish of madness that is desire tightened itself around my neck, strangling me.

“Who are you!?”

Filled with hatred, I stared at that unseen being.

It was penetrating into my brain fluids! Into my soul even, directly assaulting my very being, I could not help but hold my head in pain as I unsheathed my sword.

It was so intense that only repugnance could come out of my mouth.

I continued to breathe out roughly while the tip of my sword trembled at my will and pain.

“I am Reshia Fel Zeal, servant of the goddess of healing, Zenobia.”

Her amethyst-like eyes seized me. The goddess of healing, Zenobia. It was that, that was causing something within me to scream.

“GruuuaAaaAAaaA a aa a aa a a a!!!”


The female swordsman came rushing at that opening.

She held her sword high, and with a slash, she aimed for my lowered head.

But, it’s slow. I reflexively brought my sword up, crashing with her falling sword.

My stronger sword went against the female swordsman’s sword that was backed by centrifugal force, repelling it away. Having put too much power, my arms screamed in pain at the recoil, but I don’t have time to bother with that right now.

Continuing like that, the female swordsman fell to the ground without any time to fix her posture.

But at that moment, instead of attacking, I faltered to my knees.

I cut my own knees with my sword, and as blood flowed, I regained my consciousness.

Kill –––

If I don’t kill this woman now, the one who’s going to be eaten is me.

That thought which could be said to be instinctual flashed at the back of my head.

Seething with bloodlust, what stood before my gaze was a holy woman revered by humans.

“Please, run, Reshia-sama.”

That holy woman gently shook her head at the incapacitated female swordsman.

“For me to abandon you guys… Let solace be blesseth to all (Heal).”

In a twinkle, the female swordsman’s wound was healed.

“Kuk kuk kuk kuk…”

What came out of my mouth was a low-toned sneer.

Devoured? Me?

I ended up laughing at my own thoughts.

Shut up…


I’m going to become a king!




“Catch them. And absolutely do NOT hurt them!”

Blood rushing to my head, my pupils focused on the holy woman as I ordered my subordinates to catch them.

Watch me. I’m going to surpass you.

I refuse to accept you bastards that mess with my thoughts.


[Skill] <<Defiant Will>> has leveled up to <<Insurgent Will>>

From now on this skill will mitigate not only the pressure from monsters, but also from far higher races.

Spiritual reliance on the Goddess of the Underworld has weakened.

You are defending against the mental attacks of the Goddess of the Underworld.

Because of the weakened mental attack from the Goddess of the Underworld, the urge towards the Goddess of Healing will be soothed.

[Skill] <<Wandering Soul>> will evolve.

<<Distant Soul>> acquired. <<A Ruler’s Wisdom I>> acquired.

[Skill] Because you have acquired the skill <<Distant Soul>>, the loyalty of your subordinates will increase. The influence you receive from the gods will also decrease.

[Skill] Because you have acquired the skill <<A Ruler’s Wisdom I>>, in the instance where you name yourself and fight against an opponent with the same weapon, then you will receive physical strength 20% UP, Agility 20% UP, and Damage received will be reduced by 20%.

[Skill] <<Eyes of the Green Snake>> acquired. If your opponent’s number is lesser than your subordinates’, then you will be able to see their weak point regardless of level.


Author’s Note:

A heroine candidate finally makes an appearance.

Eh? But the protagonist’s not human?

That’s exactly why it’s exciting!






39 responses to “Goblin Kingdom – Volume 1 Chapter 9: Zenobia’s Follower”

  1. Katshu Avatar

    so….goblin ro…i mean, dis goblin will start naming himself when the weapons are the same hum….

  2. Timothy Dang Avatar

    kinda confused. I though the nun was healing the axe dude on teh ground, when did she have the time to use a mental attack on him? I assume its her and not the goddess directly, you know, borrow the power via faith and all that jazz.

    1. Kemoy Siktaw Avatar
      Kemoy Siktaw

      Six years late but, it wasn’t the Nun. It was the goddesses Zenobia and Altesia. Altesia forced him to kill the pregnant humans and she was trying to force him to kill the nun. He resisted it so he his mental fortitude leveled up.

  3. Moneng Cengkreng Avatar

    heroine seriously? or a rape victim?

  4. Kuraudo Nain Avatar

    Didn't he advance to C+ swordsmanship?

  5. travis height Avatar

    at the start of the chapter you have it as swordsmanship c- still, he got c+ at the end of the last chapter

  6. Unknown Avatar

    Although the chapter was interesting to read, it was quite confusing.
    Who exactly was attacking his mind?
    Was it the nun? The nun's Goddess of Healing? Or was it the goblin's Goddess of the Underworld?
    It probably doesn't matter for the overall story, but I hope future chapters won't be as vague as this one.

    1. Ankit Mahar Avatar
      Ankit Mahar

      Exactly my thoughts. This chapter was quite confusing.

      And I also hate the fact that he’s getting so many skills by the 9th chapter.

      I mean it’s fine for now but by the time we reach to a hundred chapters there will be dozens of skills which just make the novel even more confusing.

      Never liked ‘too many skills’ concept.

  7. GonZ Avatar

    Thank you for the chapter 🙂

  8. library rocker Avatar

    Thank you very much for all your hard work and I hope school is going really well for you!!!

  9. mike lynn Avatar

    nice chapter, thanks for the hardwork!

  10. Shortykils s Avatar

    I wonder if the mental attack was a result of the goddess of healing on the goddess of the underworld inside his body…

  11. Mantius Zara Avatar

    Thank you for the chapter 8D

  12. JigglyPuff Avatar

    Yes, fixed.

  13. rifa muhammad fadlillah Avatar

    hmm what i get from the story, since he have blessing of the goddess from underworld, when he get in contact with divine power of another goddess he get mental attack since another goddess trying giving him an influence (divine blessing) the conflict between the blessing make him suffer.
    juts a question in this line
    “You are defending against the mental attacks of the Goddess of the Underworld.

    Because of the weakened mental attack from the Goddess of the Underworld, the urge towards the Goddess of Healing will be soothed.”
    is this one not reversed ? or one who attack him mentally are the Underworld goddess but because he getting in aura of heal the metal attack weakened and resulting in headache

  14. Xanon Avatar

    Thanks for the chap Jiggy!

  15. Goku Avatar


  16. JigglyPuff Avatar

    *applause, you got it for the most part. It's not reversed. Things will make more sense in the later chapters.

  17. Yuuji 優二 Kurogane 黒鉄 Avatar

    not reversed, i think it is like this: he became attracted to the girl because of the healing goddess power, then the goddess of the underworld became jealous and attacked him, this explain the urge being soothed and the attack weakened.

  18. Yuuji 優二 Kurogane 黒鉄 Avatar

    For the ones that are confused, this part help a lot to understand:

    If I could only pluck that flower, then…

    Even if my dreams were to be –

    I strongly shut my eyes and shook my head to those resounding thoughts.

    Someone is interfering with my thoughts. It’s making me nauseous.

    The screams of grief and lamentation lashed out against me, causing my brain felt like it could burst to flames at any moment.

    So, on the begnig the healing goddess tryed to sway(someone is interfering with my thoughts) him, he nearly gave up on his dreams, right after the goddess of underworld used the mental attack(the screams of grief and lamentation lashed out against me) to stop him, maybe help or out of pure jealousy.

  19. Laclongquan Avatar

    I think at the end of last chapter the sadistic urge was coming from the Goddess of Darkness. Because that urge is uncharacteristic of him.

    So when the nun used a blessing of light, the mental attack was weakened for a moment and he successfully resisted it.

  20. Shield-Minion Avatar

    it should be hero, not heroine, right? you're talking about the goblin/MC as the hero, right? he's male, therefore hero.

  21. Shield-Minion Avatar

    it should be hero, not heroine, right? you're talking about the goblin/MC as the hero, right? he's male, therefore hero.

  22. JigglyPuff Avatar

    It's heroine.

  23. Moridain Avatar

    Wow, looks like 'divine protections' come with nasty side effects.

  24. Alex Toutou Avatar

    First up thank you for the translation, nice that he seems to break away for the gods meddling. Still I'm sure I'm not the only one who find that the story is inspired or similar to re monster. For me I just going to kick back relax and enjoy the story.

  25. Sean Pierson Avatar

    The MC is far from being a hero. 😛

  26. Adrian Drift Avatar

    This MC is kind of unbearable and just straight up boring… Well wasn't expecting too much… Caught up to your other translation so figured I would read this one…

  27. Deinos Avatar

    He's my personal hero :DD

  28. Deinos Avatar

    If you don't like the story why don't you go shove it, and take your comment with you, noone cares!

  29. Deinos Avatar


  30. Nikolay Avatar

    Probably bad compatibility between their Divine Protections. Gods are asses.

  31. Jack Nathaniel Mikhail Avatar

    ✨💧✨ Thanks ✨💧✨
    ──── Foя тнє cнαpтєя
    ────────── from Jack

  32. ChaosDragon Avatar

    Since every seems to be having a hard time understanding the whole mental attack thing, I shall explain it.

    Think of it as opposites attracting. The MC has a small piece of the goddess of the underworld within him, giving him her blessing. The goddess of the underworld, being a goddess of darkness and death, yearns strongly for the goddess of light and healing. When the friar called on his gods power, the MC had no reaction, this is because the MC’s goddess doesn’t give two sheets about the friars god. However, when the nun called on the goddess of healing, the piece of the goddess within the MC felt the goddess of healing’s divine power and instinctively reacted to it, reaching out to it. This resulted in the goddesses thoughts and desires trying to override the MC, resulting in a mental attack on him, which he managed to suppress, thus leading to the new and modified skills he acquired.

    And if you don’t want to look at it that way or if that was too complicated, then just consider the whole thing part of the assumed innate weakness of his darkness attribute to her light attribute.

  33. Big boi Avatar
    Big boi

    What made the author think this chapter was good enough to even release it to the world? Honestly though, it doesn’t flow well, lacks emotion (the emotion it does have is just everything being typed in all caps), really cringy mc moment, terrible execution of a common trope. Also translator, can you not put japanese words into something that is translated to english, it’s just weird to read. If you’re lacking in vocabulary to replace those japanese words, then I recommend browsing through a dictionary. Also, get rid of the “san, sama, kun” weaboo bullsheet. This novel doesn’t deserve the 3.9 rating on novelupdates, it would be more at home around 3.0 – 3.5 range.

    1. Big boi Avatar
      Big boi

      Also, what’s the deal with “goblin rare?” That is improper grammar, I suggest you work on that mister/miss translator. P.s. it should be rare goblin.

    2. satufa Avatar

      And i recommend pulling that stick out of yourbass

  34. Random Dude Avatar

    “Author’s Note:

    A heroine candidate finally makes an appearance.

    Eh? But the protagonist’s not human?

    That’s exactly why it’s exciting!”

    No that’s exactly why it will become weird and gross like a human falling in love and pucking an ogre…. as soon as anything close to a human falling in love with a goblin happens /quittrash

  35. Cadari Avatar

    To all of those who didn’t get or here the explenation: the godess of the underworld is madly jealous of the one of healing so when one of her folowers (goblin King here) , see a followers of the healing one (the nun here), she get made and try to force her will over his own.

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