Goblin Kingdom – Volume 2: The Distant Paradise – Chapter 102: Lili’s Worries

Goblin Name Cheat Sheet

The [Goblin] is to make it easier to CTRL+F

[Goblin]Gi Ga
The goblin in that estranged group that was with the protagonist when he defeated an orc. He is currently a noble class, the highest amongst the protagonist’s subordinates. He prefers to use the spear.

[Goblin] Gi Gu
The former leader of the village. He was pressured by the protagonist in his goblin noble form, and was added to his subordinates. He uses the long sword, and is relatively smart for a goblin rare. Became a goblin noble in chapter 39.

[Goblin] Gi Gi
Known as a beast warrior, a goblin with the ability to tame beasts.
He evolved while hunting spear deer with the protagonist.
He prefers to use the axe. His goblin class is rare.

[Goblin] Gi Go
A goblin with many wounds on his body. The food of his horde was stolen by the gray wolves, so he made a decision to follow the protagonist. He is the most experienced amongst the goblin rares. His weapon is a curved katana. He acts like a samurai.

Recently became a noble, and received the divine protection of the Sword God, Ra Baruza.

[Goblin] Gi Za
The druid goblin rare that recently joined them.

[Goblin] Gi Ji
A goblin rare. He evolved in chapter 37 after hunting with Gi Ga. He has the <> skill which makes him great for scouting.

[Goblin] Gi Do
Druid. Uses wind magic.

[Goblin] Gi Jii
Goblin Rare. From Gi Gu’s Faction. He is known for his <> which allows him to see his opponent’s weakness.

[Goblin] Gi Da
Goblin Rare. From Gi Ga’s faction. Notable skills are <> and <>.

[Goblin] Gi Zu.
Goblin Rare. The goblin favored by the Mad God (Zu Oru). Has the <> skill.

[Goblin] Gi Zo
Druid. Water magician.

[Goblin] Gi De
Beast tamer.

[Goblin] Aluhaliha
Leader of Paradua, one of the four goblin tribes and are known for their use of rider-beasts, which are essentially giant tigers.

[Goblin] Rashka
Leader of Gaidga, one of the four goblin tribes and are known for their valor and brutish strength.

[Goblin] Gilmi
Receiver of the title, The First Archer. He is the second in command in Ganra, one of the four tribes known for their rare ability amongst goblins to use bows.

[Goblin] Narsa
The Princess of Ganra. She is the only female goblin rare introduced so far.


Other Characters


Reshia Fel Zeal (17 years-old)
The priestess known as the saint. As the Healing Goddess’ follower, she lives to spread the word and teach righteousness. She has the divine protection of the goddess, and can heal others.

Lili (21 years-old)
She studied the famous sword style, Zweil Style, in the capital. She has sworn fealty to Reshia. And while she may have lost to the protagonist in one hit, she has proven herself strong enough to easily defeat three normal goblins.

Mattis (26 years-old)
The second son of a farmer. He’s largely responsible for drying the meat to preserve them.

Chinos (24 years-old)
The third son of a farmer. He plows the fields and is close to Mattis.

Keifel (28 years-old)
An adventurer who took on a request to escort Reshia through the Forest of Darkness. He’s strong enough that he could easily wield a steel great sword, but the protagonist still managed to kill him.

Zeon (32 years-old)
A follower of Ativ. He specializes in fire magic. In his battle against the protagonist, he used his fire magic, but still lost. In the end, he tried to blow himself up along with the protagonist, but the protagonist’s words agitated him, causing him to lose the opportunity.

Tinra (23 years-old)
A villager. She is one of the women used by the goblins as a breeding machine that the protagonist killed.

Ashtal Do Germion (59 years-old)
The king that rules the western region of the continent in which the Forest of Darkness and the connecting borders are included. He is a powerful ruler with seven holy knights under him. He has recently ordered three of those holy knights to search for the saint.

Gowen Ranid (45 years-old)
The feudal lord that rules over the region next to the Forest of Darkness. As one of the country’s strongest powers, he is renowned as the Iron-Armed Knight. He is currently leading his soldiers in a quest to find the saint.

Gulland Rifenin (31 years-old)
A former adventurer. As one of the country’s strongest powers, he is renowned as the Storm Knight. He’d been stationed in the northern mountains, but the king called him back to send him off in a quest for the saint.

Gene Marlon (24 years-old)
As one of the country’s strongest powers, he is renowned as Lightning-Fast Knight. He was previously stationed at the south, but the king called him back to send him on a quest to search for the saint. Killing is his favorite past-time. Whether it’s a man, a demihuman or a monster, they’re all just pieces of meat to be cut down before him.

Herculean Wyatt (40 years-old)
A member of the Blood Oath of the Flying Swallow. He specializes in handling great shields. He has a gentle personality, but beware for his anger isn’t one to be taken lightly.

Mage Killer Mill (19 years-old)
A member of the Blood Oath of the Flying Swallow. She is an assassin that favors the use of talons. Renowned as the mage killer, she is a mage’s worst nightmare.

Wand of Destruction Bellan (37 years-old)
A member of the Blood Oath of the Flying Swallow. He wields a fire staff. As a former knight, he cares a great deal about honor.

Hawk-Eyed Fick (31 years-old)
An adventurer with two names. He has exceptional perception and skill. He is currently searching through the Forest of Darkness under Gulland’s lead.

The White Hand of Life (Previously translated as divine hands) (Age Unknown)
A priest robed in white. She specializes in healing and support. Her age, name, and origin are all unknown.

Vitz (25 years-old)
A talkative sword-wielding adventurer. He’s actual strength isn’t bad, but he’s still far from being deserving of a second name.

Yugil (26 years-old)
An adventurer and an unwilling shield bearer. He might appear old, but he is actually still young.

Yoshu (26 years-old)
The younger brother of the slaves Gene purchased. The collar of obedience around his neck keeps him from going against Gene’s orders. Healers are rare, so he’s been made into a shield bearer.

Shumea (28 years-old)
The older sister of the slaves Gene purchased. The collar of obedience around her neck keeps her from going against Gene’s orders. Contrast to her brother who bears a shield, she uses a spear.

Household of the Gods

The Goddess of the Underworld and the Goddess of Valor. As the goddess the snakes serve, she has given her blessing to the protagonist. She is a dangerous woman with her deep jealousy and fierce temperament.

The Goddess of Healing. She has given her blessing to Reshia. She has also warned the protagonist to protect her. Altesia might hate her, but she doesn’t feel the same way toward Altesia.

Pitch Black (Verid)
A one-eyed red-eyed snake that belongs to the Goddess of the Underworld.

Twin-Headed Snake
Known to the goblins as the Lord of Decay. He is one of the snakes that fought the world with the Goddess of the Underworld.


The elven woman Gene purchased. She became a slave after running away from her tribe.

A high kobold. She is one of the protagonist’s pets.
The protagonist managed to tame her by giving her orc corps and other meat as bait.
She is a fortuitous kobold who somehow managed to become the leader of her pack.

As the pup of the gray wolves, she has been given the elven name that means lady of the lake. Reshia, Lili, and other children and women are quite taken by her lovely fur.

As the pup of the gray wolves, he has been given the name of a wise human monarch that means sovereign of the wind’s howls. His uninhibited personality leads him to battle Hasu for ranks on a daily basis.

A timid orc. Gol Gol had taken a liking for him despite his small body. After Gol Gol died, he led the orcs to the west, but the protagonist managed to capture them.

Gol Gol
The orc king that attacked the village. He is a berserker who can use skills. He was defeated by the protagonist.


Volume 2: Chapter 102 – Lili’s Worries

[table caption=”Status” colalign=”left|left|center|left|right”]
Race, Goblin
Level, 37
Class, King; Ruler
Possessed Skills, Ruler of the Demon Children of Chaos; Defiant Soul; World Devouring Howl; Sword Mastery A-; Dominator; King’s Soul; Ruler’s Wisdom III; Household of the Gods; One-Eyed Snake’s Evil Eye; The King’s Dance at the Edge of Death; Magic Manipulation; Soul of the Berserk King; Third Impact (The Third Chant); Instinct; Blessing of the Underworld Goddess
Divine Protection, Goddess of the Underworld (Altesia)
Attributes, Darkness; Death
Subordinate Beasts, High Kobold Hasu (Lv77); Gastra (Lv20); Cynthia (Lv20); Orc King (Bui) (Lv82)
Abnormal Status, Blessing of the One-Eyed Snake; Protection of the Twin-Headed Snake


It’s been 10 days since we moved to the fortress. I’ve already grasped the layout of the surrounding area, so I was currently drawing the map on a wall in the king’s room. I used a short sword to carve it. Overall, I was able to carefully explore the area a two day’s distance from the fortress.

There were no beasts in the surrounding area that could hold a threat to me, even the ones that normally preyed on goblins. The area was relatively safe. Procuring food should pose no problem then, and with the increased birth rate, we should be able to increase our numbers quickly.

That settles the issue of quantity, leaving only the question of quality.

Currently my horde contains 1 knight, 7 nobles, 8 rares, 2 druids, 1 shaman, and 50 normal goblins. That’s including the wounded and the goblins that are currently away.

If it wasn’t for the existence of skills and magic in this world, the side with more numbers would surely win. But this world does have skills and magic, thereby allowing the existence of truly powerful beings who could could literally slay a thousand soldiers by themselves.

The soldiers need to be raised well if we are to suppress such enemies.

For example, that man who swung his great sword with a ferocious smile, summoning storms of lighting to lay waste to the forest. How many such men does the human side have? I tried asking Shumea, but she couldn’t give a straight answer. Apparently, her info mostly came from her brother. Sending him out might have been a bit too hasty.

Even if the goblins can’t stop that man alone, a 2 on 1, no, even a 3 on 1 would be fine. I need to prepare the goblins enough to be able to fight such people evenly. The humans are numerous and they have many resources, a battle with them would surely expand, but even then, we have to win.

When I finished drawing the map, I stepped out.

Along the way I noted the knight class, Gi Ga, holding a class.

He was making use of the wide space within the fortress to teach the normal goblins how to use the spear. The goblins couldn’t follow perfectly just yet, but regardless, it wasn’t a waste to learn the spear under him. At the very least, it would increase their odds of surviving.

Goblins who had just grown out of their infancy were each given a spear by Gi Ga and made to thrust it into the empty air. They thrust and thrust, never stopping once, even as the wooden spear broke their hands and blood gushed out; Gi Ga’s uncompromising training continued.

The length of their spears was increased according to their level.

There was a goblin amongst them whose spear was twice his height. Not a loafer, that one.

“Your Majesty!? …Were you watching?” Gi Ga hurriedly approached me.

I told him to ignore me and continue.

The training of the goblins need to be improved wherever possible. Teaching them traps is one thing, but teaching them how to fight is a completely different matter. It is exceedingly difficult. To make things worse, our enemy, the humans, have a huge advantage when it comes to the knowledge of fighting.

Once we step out of the forest, the battle will probably move to the plains. Necessary precautions need to be made if we don’t want to be preyed upon by their cavalry. For that, allowing the goblins a way to practice their tactics is a must.

The terrain advantage belongs to the humans. We’ll have to get one over them some other way. It can be tactics, ingenuity… anything. I need people capable of thinking such methods and the methods themselves.

We will be invading the humans.

When I think about our current position in this game of war, I realize it is not only the lower class goblins who need to be trained like this, but also the higher class.


It’s been a while since Lili last visited her family.

Currently, it wasn’t her parents who managed the house, but her uncle’s family. Their house was situated in a small hill, surrounded by earthen walls, making it look just like a fortress.

She didn’t think about it when she was young, but now that she thought about it, their house did indeed look like it was built for war. Even the produce grown in their garden were all fruits whose rinds could be eaten in desperate times. Compared to them, the farmers nearby all raised produce that was easy to sell. The difference between them was as clear as night and day.

By the time Lili woke up from her thoughts, she was in front of a stone wall upon which she had carved an oath during her youth.

It read: ‘I shall earn the title of knight with my sword. I shall protect the people and vanquish the monsters.’

It was the oath she made with her grandfather. She recalled repeatedly saying that oath out loud as a kid despite not understanding what it meant. As long as she had that will, she would become a splendid knight, her grandfather once said.


Right now the person she had to protect was a single girl.

That was enough.

The king said he would bestow upon her the highest rank of Holy Knight. After Reshia left, he would give her the power to protect the town she was born in.

A gust of wind grazed Lili’s cheeks.

The wheat field swayed and the trees rustled, singing the song of the wind god. This was the land her grandfathers had cleared out, a blessed land.

For whom should she wield her blade?

She would protect Reshia, of course. That wouldn’t change. She could not throw away a girl like that who was burdened with a cruel fate. But once she becomes a holy knight, the power she would be responsible for would also increase. At that time, would she truly be forgiven for choosing to protect only a single girl?

“What should I do?”

She had a duty to either side.

Would she choose to save only one person? Or would she choose to protect the peace of a multitude of people?

“I shouldn’t be… hesitating.”

She should have already resolved herself. The peace of the people was Lady Reshia’s wish herself.

“So… With this sword, I will…”

She traced the text carved on the wall.

The next day, Lili received the title of Holy Knight.


330 days remain until the war with the humans.

The goblin rate of reproduction was truly something. Although it’s true that the birth rate has increased, the fact that goblins could be trained almost immediately after being born was a truly spectacular trait of theirs.

With Gi Ga’s hellish training course and the abundance of food, the goblins could quickly grow up into adulthood in only a week. The number of soldiers have already surpassed 100, and the number of non-combatants is already looking to break 70.

At this rate, I can probably stop worrying about our numbers altogether and focus on dealing with the quality issue.

The goblins have been frequently hunting to teach the higher class goblins how to lead the lower class goblins.

How should one hunt the big prey to minimize causalities? I taught the rares and the recently evolved druids, Gi Ba, Gi Bi, Gi Bu, Gi Be, and sent them out to hunt.

The goblins with the Man-Eating Snake skill who’ve received Verid’s divine protection were all excellent goblins as long as they were kept away from humans.

The ferocious Gi Ba could handle the sword and spear with ease, allowing him to excel at stopping the prey from moving. The water mage, Gi Bi, could often hit the enemy’s weak spot. The close-combatant, Gi Bu, could fight in many ways, from using his axe to using his hands. The one-armed Gi Be could fight with his axe, sword, or spear; any enemy that approached him would we be fiercely met by his arsenal of close-combat weaponry.

They were constantly bathed in blood causing the morale of their fellow goblins to rise while their enemies cowered. The weapons they used were improved as well. In the past, we used stone axes and wooden spears, but after the battle with the humans, we managed to acquire iron weapons for everyone.

Unfortunately, the weapons would eventually wear down. We need to find a way to repair them soon.

“The enemy has come, Your Majesty,” the one-armed Gi Be said, waking me up from my pondering.

“That is an annie spider,” I replied.

“If I recall correctly, this spider’s saliva is poisonous, right, Your Majesty?” The water mage, Gi Bi, said.

That scholarly manner of talking made me chuckle.

“Hit it, kick it!” Gi Bu yelled.

“I suppose cutting its legs would be a good idea?” The fierce Gi Ba said, wanting to take the initiative.

“Yes, go!”

At my signal, Gi Ba ran. He slipped through the long legs of the annie spider, then with the stroke of his sword, he cut them off. Suddenly, the water mage, Gi Bi’s, water balls came raining down on the spider, denting its skin.

“GURUuu!” Gi Bu growled as his wild dogs kicked off against the ground. As the wild dogs caught the attention of the annie spider from above, Gi Bu’s axe came swinging for its legs. When Gi Bu was near the annie spider, he suddenly threw away the axe and started kicking at the stomach of the spider from below.

Quite the shrewd goblin, isn’t he?

As the annie spider’s stance broke, the one-armed Gi Be decapitated the spider with his spear.

Gradually, the light left the spider’s eyes, but the goblins didn’t stop attacking until it was completely silent.

“Good job, remember, this is how you fight together. Make sure to also remember to consider the normal class goblin’s limits,” I said to ensure that they didn’t forget the importance of working together. These goblins would most likely be a part of the main force in the next battle after all.

“As the king commands.”

After hearing their reply, I went back to the village.


Tl Note: Two chapters because they’re both short, so this only counts as the second chapter of the week.





9 responses to “Goblin Kingdom – Volume 2: The Distant Paradise – Chapter 102: Lili’s Worries”

  1. jbf1234 Avatar

    expecting a rematch between Gi Ga and Lili


    Thanks 4 the chapter

  3. nitefthr Avatar

    Thanks for the chappy!

  4. thebornloser81 Avatar

    Humans can be monsters too.

    Thanks for the chapter!

    1. triopsate Avatar

      But humans have always been the monsters… If you think about it, all monsters were based off of humanity’s dark sides.

      Vampires are pretty much based off of that one queen who bathed in blood and vlad the impaler. Zombies are probably based off of canabalism. Vengeful ghosts are propbbly just people who enact revenge.

      Basically, since humans can’t comprehend things that they’ve never seen or experienced, all monsters have to be based off of stuff people have experienced or seen.

      tl;dr: humans can’t imagine things they’ve never seen or experienced, monsters are based off of human imagination, thus monsters are based off of what people have seen or experienced, and thus monsters = humans

  5. natsukage Avatar

    Thanks for the chapter (2). ^_^ xD

  6. Alfard Avatar

    Thanks for the chapter!

    Do not cry with Gastra’s chapter! It’s Sweat! It’s just sweat! I swear by your life (those who are reading me now ….)!

  7. IZe Spk Sangasang Avatar
    IZe Spk Sangasang

    wait… how did the king know that Gi Gu evoled to goblin duke?

  8. Red Avatar

    Those numbers seem off he should have way more than 50 goblin warriors right? I mean he had like 50 just from the village but then he conquered all four tribes who should have 50 at least of their own. He only lost like 50 in the war so should still have at least 200 and I think I remember they even got reinforced by 100 goblins at a time or something.

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