The Man Picked up by the Gods Table of Contents

Can be found here 

Author: Roy


Ryouma Takebayashi, 39 years old, found himself in a strange white room. The gods tell him that he has died and they are sending his soul to a different world, a world where magic exists.

Translation Schedule
Expect 1 Chapter a day (GMT+8). No chapters on Wednesdays and Saturdays.

Table of Contents

Prologue 2
Prologue 3
Volume 1 Start
Volume 1 Chapter 1 
Volume 1 Chapter 2
Volume 1 Chapter 3
Volume 1 Chapter 4 
Volume 1 Chapter 5 
Volume 1 Chapter 6 
Volume 1 Chapter 7 
Volume 1 Chapter 8 
Volume 1 Chapter 9 
Volume 1 Chapter 10 
Volume 1 Chapter 11 
Volume 1 Chapter 12 
Volume 1 Chapter 13 
Volume 1 Chapter 14 
Volume 1 Chapter 15 
Volume 1 Chapter 16 
Volume 1 Chapter 17 
Volume 1 Chapter 18 
Volume 1 Chapter 19 
Volume 1 Chapter 20 
Volume 1 Chapter 21 
Volume 1 Chapter 22 
Volume 1 Chapter 23 






38 responses to “The Man Picked up by the Gods Table of Contents”

  1. Anonymous Avatar

    Thank you for the translations:) Keep up the good work

  2. Anonymous Avatar

    Thanks for the translations. Also two quick remarks;

    You really couldn't have picked a worse name for your blog 'web novel translations' is not something easily searchable. If you keep it as is you'll make it hard on people trying to find your site (I saw you on MangaUpdates and was lucky you posted links on Reddit, I would not have found you otherwise). I strongly suggested changing it if at all possible, even just 'Neo's Translations' would be fine.

    Also would appreciate if you changed the theme to something black-on-white (Or black-on-[pastel color] if you really want) as it's easier on the eyes.

  3. Neo Avatar

    Thanks for your suggestions, I've changed it just now.

  4. Anonymous Avatar

    thank you for the translation

  5. Fakar Avatar

    you could also register on where they actually links to the translators

  6. Neo Avatar

    Thanks for the suggestion. After checking the forum for a bit, it seems I should make the post after the blog is a few weeks old. I'll apply for it when the blog is a bit older.

  7. Anonymous Avatar

    Nice to see this series get picked. It's one of my favorite heartwarming series in Narou. I've thought of translating this also, but if you can keep it up, I guess I should pick other series instead.

  8. Neiri Corithni Avatar

    May I know the timezone?

  9. Neo Avatar

    GMT+8, I'll edit the sidebar to show this, later when I release the chapter for the day.

  10. libraryrocker Avatar

    Thank you so much for all your hard work! I really like this one!

  11. Anonymous Avatar

    Thanks translator sama!. I have to say the it was really difficult to find this site.

  12. Anonymous Avatar

    thanks for putting them out at a conststant time. Neo the translation is awsome!! love your fan

  13. Anonymous Avatar

    hmm… are you from the philippines by any chance :3???

  14. Anonymous Avatar

    Hi! Have you thought about posting your links on aho-updates?

  15. theo williams Avatar

    hmm no 10

  16. Anonymous Avatar

    Where is the raw I can't find it? Love your fan girl

  17. Neo Avatar

    I'll add it to the TOC later

  18. Anonymous Avatar

    Thanks!!! Love fan girl

  19. Anonymous Avatar

    Can't wait for ch11! Love fan girl

  20. Anonymous Avatar

    no chapter today??

  21. Anonymous Avatar

    Hay neo can you put up a progress of chapters e.g. Chapter 13 -40%- done
    Love fan girl

  22. Anonymous Avatar

    Sorry, can you put something that transforms the titles if we already read that chapter.I normally forget which chapter i was in.

  23. Zachary D Avatar

    This is great! Just wondering where did All Attribute Aptitude go in his skill card? I'm just curious about the level and it didn't show up in chapter 11's skills list. Thanks for translating!

  24. Neo Avatar

    It's not there in the raws, it probably doesn't have a level and just means that he's able to use all the magic attributes.

  25. Zachary D Avatar

    Ok thanks! I didn't look at it from that perspective before.

  26. Anonymous Avatar

    Thaks for your work, do you accept donations?

  27. Neo Avatar

    Hi, I've just added a donation button a while ago. Unfortunately I can't promise any extra chapters outside of the schedule. If you do feel like donating, however, I'll gratefully accept it. Thank you.

  28. Anonymous Avatar

    I really like this story, but I do have a major complaint, and I wonder if I'm the only one. My complaint is the complete lack of detail/description. We have no clue as to what any of these people look like along with the environment they are living in. I have been filling in the detail using my decades of entertainment consumption, but come on author this is your world! It's your job to make the universe you are creating a living, breathing thing, not mine.

  29. Anonymous Avatar

    umm i just checked out the RAW site i cant read japanese and google but from what i can decode from google TL it seems like the series is being discontinued or something
    could anyone who can read japanese explain what it says

  30. Neo Avatar

    He's just going to stop updating and rewrite the story from the start as a different post.

  31. Anonymous Avatar

    Rewrite like doing some changes to the stuff hes already writen or like hes going to completely restart the story?

  32. Geri Karaj Avatar

    neo what are you going to do now are going to stop?? or go for the old story??

  33. Anonymous Avatar

    Thanks for all the translations!
    You're the fastest translator I've seen! so thanks for everything so far!

  34. lygartranslations Avatar

    yeah, the author is going to post the rewrite of the series in a different label. as of now the current version of the series is completed. he is going to stop continuing the story to re write it from the beginning. it probably shouldn't take too long since he has the basic story. he is going to post it as a different series on his ncode but it is the same story only rewritten and edited. it is like a reboot that dc comics does.

  35. Anonymous Avatar

    Story is paused and will be updated under a different post since it is undergoing a rewrite. It is being rebooted for continuity. basically all 5 volumes are done and he said he would finish the fifth volume before the rewrite. now he is working on rewriting volume 1. In a week or so maybe he will start reposting the chapters. He will leave the old chapters alone, but he is also going to post the rewritten chapters in a different page.

  36. Anonymous Avatar

    somehow those name cofused me,so can somebody show me they name and who they are please ? (like Rheinhart Jamil : the feudal lord of the Jamil duchy ),so I can identify each character to imagination easyly

  37. Anonymous Avatar

    Thank you for the translation

  38. Anonymous Avatar

    Thank you for the translaiton. I love this story :3

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