The Man Picked up by the Gods – Volume 2 Chapter 36: Report (1/2)

After coming back to the inn, I visited the room of the duke’s family.

Arone-san welcomed me and brought me to the 4 Jamil members’ table.

“Welcome home, Ryouma-san.” [Elialia]

“Welcome back.” [Reinbach]

“Welcome home. Seems you had some trouble today.” [Elize]

“Don’t push yourself too much.” [Reinhart]

Looks like they’ve already caught word of what happened this morning.

“Thank you, everyone… There’s actually something I want to talk about.” [Ryouma]

When I said those words, their faces stiffened.

“Well, go on. Don’t be shy.” [Reinhart]

“What is it all of the sudden, Ryouma-san?” [Elialia]

Reinhart spoke with a serious expression, while the Ojousama wore a worried expression.

“I’ve made up my mind. You’ve taken care of me all this time, but I think I should be independent from here on.” [Ryouma]

As soon as I said that, the ojousama stood up from her chair and ran up to me. The other three remained on their chairs.

“Why!? Why all of the sudden!?” [Elialia]

“Everyone’s spoiling me. At this rate, I think I’ll end up into a no good person. Everyone’s shown me so much kindness these past few weeks, but I think I should leave for a while and retrain myself.” [Ryouma]

“If you just want to retrain yourself, can’t we do it together? There will be plenty of teachers too…” [Elialia]

“If I’m with everyone, I’ll definitely end up spoiled. That’s why I want to leave for now.” [Ryouma]

It was here that the madam interjected.

“‘For now’, you say. I take it you don’t actually intend on never showing your face to us again, right?” [Elize]

“Yes. I’m not leaving because I’m mad or anything, I just want to train myself. Once I’m satisfied, if it’s alright with everyone, then I’d like to come back.” [Ryouma]

“Of course it’s alright! In fact, there’s nothing wrong with being spoiled. You’re only 11, after all. That’s a perfectly normal age to be living with your parents. We’ll welcome you back whenever you want!” [Elize]

“Mother!? Are you not stopping him?” [Elialia]

“Elia, it’s not as if you’re going to be separated from Ryouma forever. In the same way that you’ll be going to school, Ryouma-kun will be studying as well. Although, frankly, I don’t really think it’s necessary for you to be do so, Ryouma-kun. If anything, I’d say what you really need is to be a bit more spoiled.” [Elize]

“Wait a moment, Elize. Haven’t we already talked about this?” [Elize]

“I know. That’s why I’m not refusing him. I’m just saying what I think.” [Elize]

Talked about what?

“Umm… What do you mean you’ve talked about this already?” [Ryouma]

Reinbach-sama and Sebasu-san were the ones to answer that question.

“Actually, ever since arriving at this town, we’ve already predicted you would eventually bring that up. I’ve been living for a long time already, and I’ve met plenty of people in this long life of mine. Peers, subordinates, enemies… all sorts. And I’ve seen plenty of children like you.

I won’t stop you, but you shouldn’t push yourself. Even if you put the work, it’s all meaningless if you don’t know how to rest.” [Reinbach]

“Ryouma-sama, you might think you were being spoiled, but we don’t think so at all. It’s true we provided you lodging and food, but you registered to the guild in an unfamiliar town and have been working seriously all this time. It’s almost as if such things were a given to you. Which is why, we figured you’d eventually bring this topic up. It’s a bit earlier than expected, though.

Reinhart-san added.

“When I look at you, I’m sometimes reminded of a close friend of mine. He’s the complete opposite of you. If you’re diligent, then he’s the opposite of diligent. He would always push all of his work onto his subordinates and onto other people.

That much is obviously bad, but I think you need to learn a little bit of that. Rest from time to time, rely on other people, just like what my dad and Sebasu always say. And of course, improve. My friend may be like that, but he’s currently doing pretty good for himself.” [Reinbach]

………………………They’re really good people. I never realized they were this concerned about me.

Before I knew, I was tearing up.


Tl Note: Umm… I’m having trouble accessing my mediafire. I’ll upload the pdfs and epubs when I figure it out. For the record, they’ve already been sent to me. They just need to be uploaded.






21 responses to “The Man Picked up by the Gods – Volume 2 Chapter 36: Report (1/2)”

  1. Phoenix Avatar

    “Wait a moment, Elize. Haven’t we already talked about this?” [Elize]

    Is Elize talking to herself? 😛

    1. FacelessEntity Avatar

      its her husband talking there

    2. Mahiro Avatar

      Also, the Reinhart in the conversation is actually Sebas, while the Reinbach is Reinhart. You would see how the “Reinhart” addressed him as “-sama” while “Reinbach” talks about “father and Sebas”, the father in that sentence is “Reinbach” after all.

  2. 5d100 Avatar

    Thanks for the chapter

  3. Daiz71 Avatar


  4. etherealrainbowcanvas Avatar

    Thanks for the chapter!

  5. foblivions Avatar

    Who is this no diligent friend? New I presume since I don’t remember one. The retire knight campaign or the loli imperial witch??

  6. Zales Avatar

    they’re really good family, I wish they would have more role in a future

  7. GM_Rusaku (@ Avatar

    Thanks! Nepu!!!
    |▲_∧._∧ _∧.. _∧
    |⊂ ノ⊂ ノ⊂ノ.⊂ノ
    |―J ―J..―J..―J .

  8. udin-san Avatar


  9. CCaprice Avatar

    Thanks for the chapter.

  10. KuroHaruto Avatar

    Thanks for the chapter!!!
    It s nice to see that our MC is being loved~~

  11. sfcipher Avatar

    “Wait a moment, Elize. Haven’t we already talked about this?” [Elize] -> “Wait a moment, Elize. Haven’t we already talked about this?” [Reinhart(my guess)]

    Thanks for the treat.

  12. Anonymous Otaku Avatar
    Anonymous Otaku

    Thanks for the chapter 😊

  13. Nemnos Avatar

    Or the Mother.

  14. Anon Avatar

    Author realized the Duke’s family is way too convenient and boring in the story, so he had the MC leave.
    Then the MC was showered with affection, and started crying.

    Sometimes I wonder why I am still reading this thing, a story in which everything is way, way too convenient to even care about actual problems these characters might face, let alone the MC’s bi-polar emotions.

  15. mr.tanen Avatar

    i’m pretty sure half of the dialogue lines after elize started talking to herself (lol) are given the wrong name/owner

    it should be:

    “Wait a moment, Elize. Haven’t we already talked about this?” [E̶l̶i̶z̶e̶ Reinhart/Reinbach]

    “I know. That’s why I’m…” [Elize]

    “Umm… What do you mean you’ve talked about this already?” [Ryouma]

    “Actually, ever since arriving at this town, we’ve already predicted you would eventually bring that up…” [Reinbach]

    “Ryouma-sama, you might think you were being spoiled, but we don’t think so at all…” [b̶l̶a̶n̶k̶ Sebasu]

    “When I look at you, I’m sometimes reminded of a close friend of mine…” [R̶e̶i̶n̶b̶a̶c̶h̶ Reinhart]

    thanks for the chapter!

  16. iloveBL(。’▽’。)♡ Avatar

    Thanks for translating this novel!! Its in the list of my favorites~♥~.

  17. darkLoki Avatar

    Thanks for the chapter this is one thing I hate in novels

  18. yahska Avatar

    Chapters are too short. And I don’t think there’s much improvement from the original.

  19. johnson Avatar

    no good ?

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