Goblin Kingdom – Volume 2: The Distant Paradise – Chapter 121: An Invitation from the Elves

Goblin Name Cheat Sheet

The [Goblin] is to make it easier to CTRL+F

[Goblin]Gi Ga
The goblin in that estranged group that was with the protagonist when he defeated an orc. He is currently a noble class, the highest amongst the protagonist’s subordinates. He prefers to use the spear.

[Goblin] Gi Gu
The former leader of the village. He was pressured by the protagonist in his goblin noble form, and was added to his subordinates. He uses the long sword, and is relatively smart for a goblin rare. Became a goblin noble in chapter 39.

[Goblin] Gi Gi
Known as a beast warrior, a goblin with the ability to tame beasts.
He evolved while hunting spear deer with the protagonist.
He prefers to use the axe. His goblin class is rare.

[Goblin] Gi Go
A goblin with many wounds on his body. The food of his horde was stolen by the gray wolves, so he made a decision to follow the protagonist. He is the most experienced amongst the goblin rares. His weapon is a curved katana. He acts like a samurai.

Recently became a noble, and received the divine protection of the Sword God, Ra Baruza.

[Goblin] Gi Za
The druid goblin rare that recently joined them.

[Goblin] Gi Ji
A goblin rare. He evolved in chapter 37 after hunting with Gi Ga. He has the <> skill which makes him great for scouting.

[Goblin] Gi Do
Druid. Uses wind magic.

[Goblin] Gi Jii
Goblin Rare. From Gi Gu’s Faction. He is known for his <> which allows him to see his opponent’s weakness.

[Goblin] Gi Da
Goblin Rare. From Gi Ga’s faction. Notable skills are <> and <>.

[Goblin] Gi Zu.
Goblin Rare. The goblin favored by the Mad God (Zu Oru). Has the <> skill.

[Goblin] Gi Zo
Druid. Water magician.

[Goblin] Gi De
Beast tamer.

[Goblin] Aluhaliha
Leader of Paradua, one of the four goblin tribes and are known for their use of rider-beasts, which are essentially giant tigers.

[Goblin] Rashka
Leader of Gaidga, one of the four goblin tribes and are known for their valor and brutish strength.

[Goblin] Gilmi
Receiver of the title, The First Archer. He is the second in command in Ganra, one of the four tribes known for their rare ability amongst goblins to use bows.

[Goblin] Narsa
The Princess of Ganra. She is the only female goblin rare introduced so far.


Other Characters


Reshia Fel Zeal (17 years-old)
The priestess known as the saint. As the Healing Goddess’ follower, she lives to spread the word and teach righteousness. She has the divine protection of the goddess, and can heal others.

Lili (21 years-old)
She studied the famous sword style, Zweil Style, in the capital. She has sworn fealty to Reshia. And while she may have lost to the protagonist in one hit, she has proven herself strong enough to easily defeat three normal goblins.

Mattis (26 years-old)
The second son of a farmer. He’s largely responsible for drying the meat to preserve them.

Chinos (24 years-old)
The third son of a farmer. He plows the fields and is close to Mattis.

Keifel (28 years-old)
An adventurer who took on a request to escort Reshia through the Forest of Darkness. He’s strong enough that he could easily wield a steel great sword, but the protagonist still managed to kill him.

Zeon (32 years-old)
A follower of Ativ. He specializes in fire magic. In his battle against the protagonist, he used his fire magic, but still lost. In the end, he tried to blow himself up along with the protagonist, but the protagonist’s words agitated him, causing him to lose the opportunity.

Tinra (23 years-old)
A villager. She is one of the women used by the goblins as a breeding machine that the protagonist killed.

Ashtal Do Germion (59 years-old)
The king that rules the western region of the continent in which the Forest of Darkness and the connecting borders are included. He is a powerful ruler with seven holy knights under him. He has recently ordered three of those holy knights to search for the saint.

Gowen Ranid (45 years-old)
The feudal lord that rules over the region next to the Forest of Darkness. As one of the country’s strongest powers, he is renowned as the Iron-Armed Knight. He is currently leading his soldiers in a quest to find the saint.

Gulland Rifenin (31 years-old)
A former adventurer. As one of the country’s strongest powers, he is renowned as the Storm Knight. He’d been stationed in the northern mountains, but the king called him back to send him off in a quest for the saint.

Gene Marlon (24 years-old)
As one of the country’s strongest powers, he is renowned as Lightning-Fast Knight. He was previously stationed at the south, but the king called him back to send him on a quest to search for the saint. Killing is his favorite past-time. Whether it’s a man, a demihuman or a monster, they’re all just pieces of meat to be cut down before him.

Herculean Wyatt (40 years-old)
A member of the Blood Oath of the Flying Swallow. He specializes in handling great shields. He has a gentle personality, but beware for his anger isn’t one to be taken lightly.

Mage Killer Mill (19 years-old)
A member of the Blood Oath of the Flying Swallow. She is an assassin that favors the use of talons. Renowned as the mage killer, she is a mage’s worst nightmare.

Wand of Destruction Bellan (37 years-old)
A member of the Blood Oath of the Flying Swallow. He wields a fire staff. As a former knight, he cares a great deal about honor.

Hawk-Eyed Fick (31 years-old)
An adventurer with two names. He has exceptional perception and skill. He is currently searching through the Forest of Darkness under Gulland’s lead.

The White Hand of Life (Previously translated as divine hands) (Age Unknown)
A priest robed in white. She specializes in healing and support. Her age, name, and origin are all unknown.

Vitz (25 years-old)
A talkative sword-wielding adventurer. He’s actual strength isn’t bad, but he’s still far from being deserving of a second name.

Yugil (26 years-old)
An adventurer and an unwilling shield bearer. He might appear old, but he is actually still young.

Yoshu (26 years-old)
The younger brother of the slaves Gene purchased. The collar of obedience around his neck keeps him from going against Gene’s orders. Healers are rare, so he’s been made into a shield bearer.

Shumea (28 years-old)
The older sister of the slaves Gene purchased. The collar of obedience around her neck keeps her from going against Gene’s orders. Contrast to her brother who bears a shield, she uses a spear.

Household of the Gods

The Goddess of the Underworld and the Goddess of Valor. As the goddess the snakes serve, she has given her blessing to the protagonist. She is a dangerous woman with her deep jealousy and fierce temperament.

The Goddess of Healing. She has given her blessing to Reshia. She has also warned the protagonist to protect her. Altesia might hate her, but she doesn’t feel the same way toward Altesia.

Pitch Black (Verid)
A one-eyed red-eyed snake that belongs to the Goddess of the Underworld.

Twin-Headed Snake
Known to the goblins as the Lord of Decay. He is one of the snakes that fought the world with the Goddess of the Underworld.


The elven woman Gene purchased. She became a slave after running away from her tribe.

A high kobold. She is one of the protagonist’s pets.
The protagonist managed to tame her by giving her orc corps and other meat as bait.
She is a fortuitous kobold who somehow managed to become the leader of her pack.

As the pup of the gray wolves, she has been given the elven name that means lady of the lake. Reshia, Lili, and other children and women are quite taken by her lovely fur.

As the pup of the gray wolves, he has been given the name of a wise human monarch that means sovereign of the wind’s howls. His uninhibited personality leads him to battle Hasu for ranks on a daily basis.

A timid orc. Gol Gol had taken a liking for him despite his small body. After Gol Gol died, he led the orcs to the west, but the protagonist managed to capture them.

Gol Gol
The orc king that attacked the village. He is a berserker who can use skills. He was defeated by the protagonist.


Volume 2: Chapter 121 – An Invitation from the Elves

[table caption=”Status” colalign=”left|left|center|left|right”]
Race, Goblin
Level, 53
Class, King; Ruler
Possessed Skills, Ruler of the Demon Children of Chaos; Defiant Soul; World Devouring Howl; Sword Mastery A-; Dominator; King’s Soul; Ruler’s Wisdom III; Household of the Gods; One-Eyed Snake’s Evil Eye; The King’s Dance at the Edge of Death; Magic Manipulation; Soul of the Berserk King; Third Impact (The Third Chant); Instinct; Blessing of the Underworld Goddess
Divine Protection, Goddess of the Underworld (Altesia)
Attributes, Darkness; Death
Subordinate Beasts, High Kobold Hasu (Lv77); Gastra (Lv20); Cynthia (Lv1); Orc King (Bui) (Lv82)
Abnormal Status, Blessing of the One-Eyed Snake; Protection of the Twin-Headed Snake


Shunan returned. Unexpectedly, the elves accepted us. Not just a few of us either, but the whole horde of 140 goblins.

“That went rather smoothly,” I said.

It seems suspicious, especially when I see Cecil acting the way he usually does. But I don’t think this sylph called Shunan is the type to lie.

“My elder brother, Shure, is aware of the state of the east. He knows that the humans are trying to invade the forest, so he says there’s no need for needless fighting,” Shunan said.

If that’s true, then this alliance shouldn’t take long. But I wonder… This could be a trap.

“It’s just that the other members of the Sage Council aren’t as flexible as my brother, so…” Shunan said.

I see… So he’s doing this on his own accord against the wishes of the other elves. Well, as long as there’s one tribe willing to accept us, we can manage.

We’ll just have to gradually gather more support from the other tribes. I hope he doesn’t mind providing us weapons and technology, as well as some man power.

Other than that there’s also the issue of what the goblins will do after the humans are defeated.

Will the goblins rule over the humans?

When it comes to ruling that includes maintaining the public order, protecting the law, and managing the government.

One way to go about things is through indirect ruling. That is to say we won’t directly rule the humans but instead rely on a human to rule over them.

In other words, we would be creating a fake feudal lord to rule the humans through.

The advantage to this method is that the people won’t blame us but the fake feudal lord we created.

There’s also the fear of goblin rule that needs to be considered.

Goblins have never stood above humans before. If they were to suddenly stand above them, a revolt would surely occur.

Therefore, it is necessary to slowly wean the humans to goblin rule. At first, the goblins will only be used to maintain order, but gradually, they will take over the government and the law. In order to do that, however, the goblins first need to learn how to rule and govern. That is something that can only be learned from those who have created their own societies. Namely, the humans, the demihumans, and the elves.

The ones who have the most developed society are of course the humans. With a system based on trade and currency, they are undoubtedly the most prosperous race in the world. Of course, that’s because they won the war. Other than that it’s also because of the divine protections they have received and the workings of their heroes. But such things are merely secondary. The biggest contributor to their prosperity is their social system. In other words, trade and currency.

When the people gather, trade occurs, causing even more people to gather. This cycle repeats itself, until eventually, a metropolis is born. The birth of a metropolis means the widening of roads and the creation of many villages nearby, creating wealth. The onset of wealth, however, is not all good. For where there is wealth, there are predators. To expel these greedy ones, who are full of lust for the forbidden fruit, it is necessary to create the military. Finally, a country is born.

By expelling the invaders and expanding the country, the territory of the humans naturally expanded. The current state of the world is precisely because of humanity’s superior social system, a system the elves and the demihumans could not match.

It is not perfect, however. The increase in population and wealth will naturally lead to a disparity of wealth and status. This is directly connected to war. If not war, then at the very least, the lives of the people will be harsh. So harsh that they would have to burn themselves out just to live their lives. A painful prosperity, so to speak.

But what about the demihumans?

Of course, I don’t know how it was in the past, but I can roughly guess how they are today by inferring from their current situation. By living in small villages, they are able to keep their peculiarities. Through trade they are able to form a cooperative body of sort, shallow as it may be. On the surface, their system does not seem any inferior than the humans’, but is that really the case? Of course not, the demihumans are ages behind humanity. Their flimsy system can never hope of matching the entirety of humanity. Not with their bartering nor the meager scale of their trades, which are limited solely between villages. They have no currency. They do not even have tax, though because of that there is not much difference between individuals’ social statuses.

Knowing this, can the demihumans possibly rule over the humans? The answer is no. They cannot. Because they are too simple.

What about the elves then?

Do they understand the concept of ruling over others? Are they able to grasp the essence of the few ruling the multitude? Looking at Cecil, it seems as if they are only able to rely on the good graces of others, but… Let us pray that Cecil is merely an outlier and not a representative of the common elf.

“Let us go then. You will be leading the way, I take it?” I said.

“Of course,” Shunan said.

After informing Shunan that we will be leaving the next day, I gathered the goblin leaders and gave them their orders. I also thanked the demihumans for their cooperation and asked them to begin communications with the goblins to the east.

“Gi Za, stay here as relay for the meantime,” I said.

“I don’t mind, but… will you be alright without me?” Gi Za said.

He was serious.

Wryly smiling, I said, “You don’t actually think anyone would make trouble after seeing a horde this big, do you?”

“Well… That’s true.” Gi Za said after becoming thoughtful for a moment.

Gi Za’s mission is to maintain communication with the demihuman and ensure that the path to the elven territory remain unobstructed. After all, it would be troublesome if we had to retreat, only to find that the path home had been cut.

“Don’t let your guard down, though,” Gi Za said.

“I know,” I said.

He worries too much, but his loyalty is the real deal.

The next day, we departed for the elven village. I left 10 goblins with Gi Za and took the remaining 130 with me.


Hawk-Eyed Fick, Fick Barbad, was in a long while sharing a drink with his old friends in the bar at Germion Kingdom. Mill the Mage Slayer, Wyatt the Herculean, Yugil, Vitz… The people gathered were all members of Gulland’s previous expedition to the forest.

It’s already been a month since they escaped from that perilous forest, and since then, they’ve been living their lives. But whether they were living their lives in the east or the west, they never forgot to regularly exchange information with one another.

The bars frequented by the adventurers are the same everywhere. They’re chaotic, full of fervor, and the food and wine are all priced according to taste.

Atop the tables were various food lined up, while the beer mugs were all filled with ale to relieve the parched throats of these adventurers after a day’s hard work.

“Thank you for gathering here today. I’m not gonna be so formal about this, but…” Wyatt the Herculean said, at which, everyone raised up their mugs. “First, a toast. For all those who couldn’t make it, for all those who made it.”

After knocking their mugs together, the group of adventurers started digging in at the great feast laid out over the table. The adventurers heartily drank their fill of ale, but then all eyes suddenly gathered on Mill the Mage Slayer.

“…It’s lukewarm,” she complained.

“A bit late to be complaining after chugging it in one go, don’t you think?” Hawk-Eyed Fick remarked, causing Yugil and Vitz to laugh. It seems the mage slayer was actually a heavy drinker.

“Gulland’s in the north, so it probably couldn’t be helped, but it’s still too bad that the White Hand of Life couldn’t make it,” Wyatt said.

Vitz’ brows rose when he spoke about her. “Don’t talk about her anymore. The food will go bad.”

“Oho? And here I thought you guys were hitting it off. Weren’t you always together?” Wyatt asked.

“I felt like a kid being sent to the slaughter house, you know. I was so scared I thought I’d end up turning to heresy,” Vitz said, shrugging his shoulders, causing Wyatt to chuckle.

“She’s on a pilgrimage right now for the on a mission’s trip, but she’ll come back when she’s done,” Yugil said.

Seeing Yugil actually open his mouth for once when he never did when they were in the forest caused Mill to do a double take.

“You can talk?” She asked.

“I just have stage fright,” Yugil said, causing the group to break out into laughter.

“I-I’m being serious,” Yugil argued, beet red, causing the group to laugh even harder.

“By the way, did you hear? The feudal lord of the western region, Lord Gowen, is apparently building a colonial city in the west,” Fick said as he wiped his teary eyes from laughing too much.

“Hmm… So they’re that much of a threat, huh. But will they really just let them build that thing?” Wyatt the Herculean rubbed his chin and wondered.

“…What’s a colonial city?” Mill asked Wyatt after drinking her fourth mug.

“A strategic base… Do you understand?” Wyatt said.

“Nope,” Mill promptly replied.

“In other words, it’s a fortress that’s also a village.” Wyatt placed a black bread on an empty plate and struck it with a fork to illustrate his point. “Generally, walls would be extended from this point to the left and to the right, building watch towers in equal spaces.”

He lined up some pig’s sausage.

“This is done to completely isolate the outside from the inside. To that end, it is usually preferred that the walls be 3 meters high. That way, if anyone tries to climb them, the soldiers would be able to pierce them with their spears. To top it all of, a canal is built along the perimeter of the walls… Good grief, this is going to be long.”

This time he lined up some pasta outside the sausages.

“Land is cultivated inside the colonial city to allow the city to be self-sufficient. It still depends on the mayor, but the taxes in colonial cities are usually lowered. As for who tills the land, it’s usually either the farmers or the soldiers who want to make some extra on the side.”

This time Wyatt piled up some salad inside the sausages. He added some Kabacho, a kind of green vegetable, some round-cut Touma, a kind of vegetable that’s red and very sour, then he added some syrup on top for taste. The salad looked heavenly.

“The colonial city is equipped with defenses to protect itself while the army is away. At the same time, it also has facilities to help offensive maneuvers, ensuring that the attack is successful. These facilities were frequently used when battling the bandits in the north. Notable colonial cities include Yuyurad to the south and Sonoia to the north.”

Mill emptied her sixth mug as she watched Wyatt play with his sausage.

“…Yuyurad didn’t have stone walls,” Mill said.

The city of Yuyurad wasn’t far from the capital. Presently, it has become one of the biggest exporter of food to the capital.

“Well, when the role of the city changes, the walls would be demolished,” Vitz said.

“Really?” Mill asked to Wyatt.

“Yes. Yuyurad was a colonial city 100 years ago. It was originally constructed to conquer the south and the west. Currently, it is the frontline in the war against Yotsun Hell far to the south. You’ve taken a fair share of quests to transport goods, right? Yuyurad is currently being used as a base while the war is waged along the Kubel River.”

Wyatt bit his delicious black bread filled with Kabacho, Touma, and pig sausage.

“Mmm… Delicious,” Wyatt said.

Wyatt’s sausage burst out with juice and fat along with the assorted veggies. When Mill heard the sounds Wyatt made, she finally stopped drinking and ate.

“Fick, you’re currently living in the south right? How is it?” Vitz asked Fick as he chewed on the aromatic chicken leg.

“Free cities usually have more of that impending danger kind of feeling, but well… That place is always flourishing with business and is always in war, so…” Fick said.

Wyatt twined his pasta around his fork, then gulped it down with his tongue sticking out.

“There are a lot of jobs, but that just goes to show how dangerous the place is. It’s fine if you just think you’re dealing with a scuffle or two.”

“Jobs like last time sure are rare though, huh,” Yugil said as he removed the bones of his fried fish, then stuffed his mouth with its meat. The aroma of the fried fish spread within his mouth, causing him to inadvertently smile as he looked at Fick.

“There’s almost none down in the south,” Fick said.

“What about the Holy Shushunu Kingdom to the east?” Vitz asked.

After Wyatt emptied his place in no time at all, he took another bread and smiled.

“Can’t recommend it. I stand out because I’m a leader, but really… If you want a job, the west is the place to go,” Fick said, prompting Yugil to become thoughtful.

Seeing Yugil like that, Vitz slapped him on the shoulder. “You want to fight against that monster again? You sure are curious.”

“No, that’s not it. I’m just regretting a bit. If I don’t become stronger…” Yugil said.

“Then why don’t you try coming to my clan for a bit? I don’t mean to toot my own horn, but it’s pretty popu—” Fick said when a voice interjected.

“Oh? Are the famed swallows so lacking in number that they’re starting to hire people?” The voice said.

Vitz turned around.

What he saw almost made him curse the heavens, but somehow, he keep quiet and smile.

The White Hand of Life was dressed in a white robe as usual. She took a seat beside Vitz.

“I see you’re eating well,” she said.

After emptying a mug full of ale passed to her, she shook her head. “This is really lukewarm.”

Mill nodded while Fick just gave her a fed-up look.

“Who cares? Rather than that, are you seriously going to keep your hood up while eating?” Wyatt asked with a sober face like that of a strict father.

The White Hand of Life laughed and took off her hood, revealing the face of a beautiful woman. With silver hair, emerald eyes, a sculpted nose, and a smile that never ceased, she was one to dazzle.

“It would be troublesome if people got to know my face, so I usually keep my hood down. Sorry,” she said.

“How exactly would that trouble you? I mean, personally, I’d like to get famous,” Fick asked, puzzled and beet red.

The White Hand of Life smiled. “It’s troubling when you’re a girl in a man’s world, right, Vitz?”

Vitz couldn’t help but turn away at those words full of meaning.

“Ah, yeah,” he said.

For some reason, Vitz seemed to be in despair.

This time the White Hand of Life turned to Yugil.

“I wonder if you’d be interested in a hunting job?” She asked.

“Huh? No. Umm…” Yugil said, completely disoriented.

She smiled. “It’s a bit too dangerous to go to the west right now, so the south is probably better.”

“The free cities are at war,” Fick said.

The White Hand of Life nodded and ate a slice of cheese. “I mean deeper down south, around the city of Galahad by the sea. There should be a lot of hunting jobs there.”

“Of course, there’s that,” Wyatt nodded.

Mill looked at him as if she wanted an explanation.

“The thing is… Going to the west right now is suicidal. Besides, that goblin is probably on a rampage and entering the forest is forbidden anyway. The jobs put out by the guild are at most by the forest’s perimeter. No one is entering the forest at all,” the White Hand of Life shrugged her shoulders, prompting Yugil to hang his head.

“You don’t want to die yet, right?” The sly expression that appeared on her beautiful face caused the two adventurers who had traveled with her to shiver.

“…Did you two boys forget your balls?” Mill asked, prompting the White Hand of Life to laugh loudly.

“Anyway, cheers! For meeting again after a long time,” the White Hand of Life said.

Everyone raised up their mugs—

“To our reunion! Cheers!”

—and knocked them together.

The adventurers were as lively as always.


Tl Note: Made a mistake in the title last chapter. The elf message thing is the title for this chapter not the last. Also, this chapter was a pain… Ugh, all the locations, all the names, all the entries that had to be added, and the bloody food… Don’t mind me, just a jiggly grumbling to himself. This is the fourth regular chapter.






7 responses to “Goblin Kingdom – Volume 2: The Distant Paradise – Chapter 121: An Invitation from the Elves”

  1. Chaoton Avatar

    “Mill emptied her sixth mug as she watched Wyatt play with his sausage.”

    Without the context this would be really weird.

    Thx for the chapter~!

    1. Dan NotaTroll Avatar

      Men Play with their sausage since the moment they are born till they die!

  2. Belkar Avatar

    Thank you!

  3. goblinrou Avatar

    This sure shows how our mc is thinking of the future .

    Yep that woman is creepy.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  4. DANIS Avatar

    damn half way is just side character random talking 🙁
    Thanks for The Chapter 😀

  5. natsukage Avatar

    Please don’t grumble~ Here, take this microphone (permanent marker)~

    And thanks for the great work as always. ^_^

  6. MrOverREAD Avatar


    Just random suggestions:

    El -> ale (probably?)

    self-supporting -> self-sufficient (best when discussing economies and organizations like cities. Autarkic also works but is less common. While self-sustaining and self-supporting are technically also applicable, they’re more appropriate for engineering, chemistry and biology) while self-sufficient has a long history of being used in political sciences and the like…

    added some syrup on top -> topped it off with some gravy \ dressing (I just like this more 😀 )

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