Goblin Kingdom – Volume 2: The Distant Paradise – Chapter 137: Sylph Unification War XII (1/2)

Goblin Name Cheat Sheet

The [Goblin] is to make it easier to CTRL+F

[Goblin]Gi Ga
The goblin in that estranged group that was with the protagonist when he defeated an orc. He is currently a noble class, the highest amongst the protagonist’s subordinates. He prefers to use the spear.

[Goblin] Gi Gu
The former leader of the village. He was pressured by the protagonist in his goblin noble form, and was added to his subordinates. He uses the long sword, and is relatively smart for a goblin rare. Became a goblin noble in chapter 39.

[Goblin] Gi Gi
Known as a beast warrior, a goblin with the ability to tame beasts.
He evolved while hunting spear deer with the protagonist.
He prefers to use the axe. His goblin class is rare.

[Goblin] Gi Go
A goblin with many wounds on his body. The food of his horde was stolen by the gray wolves, so he made a decision to follow the protagonist. He is the most experienced amongst the goblin rares. His weapon is a curved katana. He acts like a samurai.

Recently became a noble, and received the divine protection of the Sword God, Ra Baruza.

[Goblin] Gi Za
The druid goblin rare that recently joined them.

[Goblin] Gi Ji
A goblin rare. He evolved in chapter 37 after hunting with Gi Ga. He has the <> skill which makes him great for scouting.

[Goblin] Gi Do
Druid. Uses wind magic.

[Goblin] Gi Jii
Goblin Rare. From Gi Gu’s Faction. He is known for his <> which allows him to see his opponent’s weakness.

[Goblin] Gi Da
Goblin Rare. From Gi Ga’s faction. Notable skills are <> and <>.

[Goblin] Gi Zu.
Goblin Rare. The goblin favored by the Mad God (Zu Oru). Has the <> skill.

[Goblin] Gi Zo
Druid. Water magician.

[Goblin] Gi De
Beast tamer.

[Goblin] Aluhaliha
Leader of Paradua, one of the four goblin tribes and are known for their use of rider-beasts, which are essentially giant tigers.

[Goblin] Rashka
Leader of Gaidga, one of the four goblin tribes and are known for their valor and brutish strength.

[Goblin] Gilmi
Receiver of the title, The First Archer. He is the second in command in Ganra, one of the four tribes known for their rare ability amongst goblins to use bows.

[Goblin] Narsa
The Princess of Ganra. She is the only female goblin rare introduced so far.

[Goblin] Yellow
From Gordob tribe. He is the father of their priestess.


Other Characters


Reshia Fel Zeal (17 years-old)
The priestess known as the saint. As the Healing Goddess’ follower, she lives to spread the word and teach righteousness. She has the divine protection of the goddess, and can heal others.

Lili (21 years-old)
She studied the famous sword style, Zweil Style, in the capital. She has sworn fealty to Reshia. And while she may have lost to the protagonist in one hit, she has proven herself strong enough to easily defeat three normal goblins.

Mattis (26 years-old)
The second son of a farmer. He’s largely responsible for drying the meat to preserve them.

Chinos (24 years-old)
The third son of a farmer. He plows the fields and is close to Mattis.

Keifel (28 years-old)
An adventurer who took on a request to escort Reshia through the Forest of Darkness. He’s strong enough that he could easily wield a steel great sword, but the protagonist still managed to kill him.

Zeon (32 years-old)
A follower of Ativ. He specializes in fire magic. In his battle against the protagonist, he used his fire magic, but still lost. In the end, he tried to blow himself up along with the protagonist, but the protagonist’s words agitated him, causing him to lose the opportunity.

Tinra (23 years-old)
A villager. She is one of the women used by the goblins as a breeding machine that the protagonist killed.

Ashtal Do Germion (59 years-old)
The king that rules the western region of the continent in which the Forest of Darkness and the connecting borders are included. He is a powerful ruler with seven holy knights under him. He has recently ordered three of those holy knights to search for the saint.

Gowen Ranid (45 years-old)
The feudal lord that rules over the region next to the Forest of Darkness. As one of the country’s strongest powers, he is renowned as the Iron-Armed Knight. He is currently leading his soldiers in a quest to find the saint.

Gulland Rifenin (31 years-old)
A former adventurer. As one of the country’s strongest powers, he is renowned as the Storm Knight. He’d been stationed in the northern mountains, but the king called him back to send him off in a quest for the saint.

Gene Marlon (24 years-old)
As one of the country’s strongest powers, he is renowned as Lightning-Fast Knight. He was previously stationed at the south, but the king called him back to send him on a quest to search for the saint. Killing is his favorite past-time. Whether it’s a man, a demihuman or a monster, they’re all just pieces of meat to be cut down before him.

Herculean Wyatt (40 years-old)
A member of the Blood Oath of the Flying Swallow. He specializes in handling great shields. He has a gentle personality, but beware for his anger isn’t one to be taken lightly.

Mage Killer Mill (19 years-old)
A member of the Blood Oath of the Flying Swallow. She is an assassin that favors the use of talons. Renowned as the mage killer, she is a mage’s worst nightmare.

Wand of Destruction Bellan (37 years-old)
A member of the Blood Oath of the Flying Swallow. He wields a fire staff. As a former knight, he cares a great deal about honor.

Hawk-Eyed Fick (31 years-old)
An adventurer with two names. He has exceptional perception and skill. He is currently searching through the Forest of Darkness under Gulland’s lead.

The White Hand of Life (Previously translated as divine hands) (Age Unknown)
A priest robed in white. She specializes in healing and support. Her age, name, and origin are all unknown.

Vitz (25 years-old)
A talkative sword-wielding adventurer. He’s actual strength isn’t bad, but he’s still far from being deserving of a second name.

Yugil (26 years-old)
An adventurer and an unwilling shield bearer. He might appear old, but he is actually still young.

Yoshu (26 years-old)
The younger brother of the slaves Gene purchased. The collar of obedience around his neck keeps him from going against Gene’s orders. Healers are rare, so he’s been made into a shield bearer.

Shumea (28 years-old)
The older sister of the slaves Gene purchased. The collar of obedience around her neck keeps her from going against Gene’s orders. Contrast to her brother who bears a shield, she uses a spear.

Household of the Gods

The Goddess of the Underworld and the Goddess of Valor. As the goddess the snakes serve, she has given her blessing to the protagonist. She is a dangerous woman with her deep jealousy and fierce temperament.

The Goddess of Healing. She has given her blessing to Reshia. She has also warned the protagonist to protect her. Altesia might hate her, but she doesn’t feel the same way toward Altesia.

Pitch Black (Verid)
A one-eyed red-eyed snake that belongs to the Goddess of the Underworld.

Twin-Headed Snake
Known to the goblins as the Lord of Decay. He is one of the snakes that fought the world with the Goddess of the Underworld.


The elven woman Gene purchased. She became a slave after running away from her tribe.

A high kobold. She is one of the protagonist’s pets.
The protagonist managed to tame her by giving her orc corps and other meat as bait.
She is a fortuitous kobold who somehow managed to become the leader of her pack.

As the pup of the gray wolves, she has been given the elven name that means lady of the lake. Reshia, Lili, and other children and women are quite taken by her lovely fur.

As the pup of the gray wolves, he has been given the name of a wise human monarch that means sovereign of the wind’s howls. His uninhibited personality leads him to battle Hasu for ranks on a daily basis.

A timid orc. Gol Gol had taken a liking for him despite his small body. After Gol Gol died, he led the orcs to the west, but the protagonist managed to capture them.

Gol Gol
The orc king that attacked the village. He is a berserker who can use skills. He was defeated by the protagonist.


Volume 2: Chapter 137 – Sylph Unification War XII (1/2)

[table caption=”Status” colalign=”left|left|center|left|right”]
Race, Goblin
Level, 59
Class, King; Ruler
Possessed Skills, Ruler of the Demon Children of Chaos; Defiant Soul; World Devouring Howl; Sword Mastery A-; Dominator; King’s Soul; Ruler’s Wisdom III; Household of the Gods; One-Eyed Snake’s Evil Eye; The King’s Dance at the Edge of Death; Magic Manipulation; Soul of the Berserk King; Third Impact (The Third Chant); Warrior’s Instinct; Blessing of the Underworld Goddess; Guided One
Divine Protection, Goddess of the Underworld (Altesia)
Attributes, Darkness; Death
Subordinate Beasts, High Kobold Hasu (Lv77); Gastra (Lv20); Cynthia (Lv1); Orc King (Bui) (Lv82)
Abnormal Status, Blessing of the One-Eyed Snake; Protection of the Twin-Headed Snake


“Fuck! This is a waste of time!” Shumea cussed after cutting down the elves blocking their way.

Shumea and the elven escorts protected Selena as they ran away from the black smoke.

“Why are elves so stubborn!?” Shumea complained as she roughly wiped her cheeks of soot and blood.

“S-Sorry…” Selena found herself apologizing for some reason.

“I’m not blaming you. Anyway, let’s hurry. They know we’re here.” Shumea wryly smiled and rubbed Selena’s head.

After catching some elves to ascertain Pale’s location, they ran through the smokes and the flames.

“…What are you going to do once we find her? You have thought of it, right?”

From what they’ve gathered, Pale was currently leading an army of elite soldiers.

Shumea has already considered the worst possible scenario, but despite that, she didn’t have any intentions of dissuading Selena from meeting her.

“I don’t know, but I think I’ll know once I meet her. At that time, I don’t think I’ll regret it even if I end up as the king’s enemy.”

“I’ve always liked how gutsy you are,” Shumea said, then she turned around to the elven escorts given to them by Fei. “You can go back now. If you keep following us, you might end up drawing your bows against your master,” she said.

The elves looked at each other, then one of them stepped forward.

“Our duty is to protect you, Lord Shumea. We will accompany you until we have ascertained that you are indeed Forni’s enemy,” the elf said.

“Naive. Or maybe you’re stupid… Well, I don’t hate that though. I’m kinda like that myself after all.”

After running past the black smoke, Shumea looked around her.

“We’ve arrived at the eastern side. That way should be the north!” Shumea said.

“Can I ask you a question?” One of the elven escorts asked.

“Make it short,” Shumea said.

“Lord Pale is the enemy commander. Surely, she will be accompanied by many soldiers. What will you do about them?” The elven escort asked.

“We’ll break through,” Shumea matter-of-factly said.

The elven escorts were speechless.

“Do you have a plan?” The elven escort asked.

“Of course not! The only thing I’ve got is a girl’s guts! So if you’re going to tag along, you better make sure you don’t wet your pants!”

As they ran, the figure of the goblin king and the elves fighting came to view.

“Is everyone ready?” Shumea asked.

When they nodded, she narrowed her eyes.

“Let’s take happiness with our own hands. Even if it means prying it from fate’s mouth by force.”

Loved by a resident of the fire god’s household, the god of flame, Hektokrups, Shumea smiled fiercely in the face of battle as she cried out to foe and ally alike.

“Ora ora ora! Get out of the way! A human is passing through!!”


Rashka’s black light blew up on the tightly packed enemy formation. His speed didn’t slow down even a little as he charged toward the enemy. That valiant charge of his affected the other warriors, and we followed after him.

Rashka swung both of his clubs at every direction. Battle-wise, he was indeed one of the best among the goblins.

His great strength bore a hole in the armored elves’ line. As his rampage continued, the elves’ movement gradually became duller.

“Just a little more and we’ll be able to win! Don’t slow down even for a moment!” I said, causing the goblins to cry out in response along with the Fang Tribe and the elves.

But then a rain of arrows descended where Rashka was.


When I turned around, the enemy was there.

The light infantry that arrived aimed at Rashka. Their movements were like the turning of the waves. There was not even a single hint of hesitation in them as they attacked in turn. But what was most conspicuous of all was the great morale they had!

—So you’ve come, Pale Symphoria!”

The chiefs or the tactician. Whose head should I pluck?

For a moment, I wasn’t sure what to do, but in the end, I decided to go for the enemy chiefs.

I ordered Rashka to proceed while defending only as much as necessary.

Selena and Shumea couldn’t reach her in time, it seems.

Alas! I cannot hold back in battle! Especially, one so strong!

“Rashka, keep going like that and take the heads of the enemy chiefs! That will be the greatest achievement in this battle!” I said.

“Alright!” Rashka fearlessly smiled as he raised his clubs.

“Fei, Mido! We’re intercepting the new enemy! Follow!”

“Understood!” Mido said.

“As you wish,” Fei said.

I aimed my sword at the new enemy.

They could move quickly, but they had to sacrifice their armor to achieve that.

Wielding my sword by my side, I swung it from below.

—Pale Symphoria is up ahead. I should take her head myself. It is only courteous to do so.

As ether coursed through my legs, I lowered my body enough for Flamberge to touch the ground.

The main force was with Rashka. As for the rest: the remaining demihumans, the elves, and the rest of the goblins – they fought with me.

My life is like dust!Accel


After confirming sighting of the chiefs’ army, Pale gave orders to the soldiers.

“Platoons, advance in line! Avoid the goblins as much as you can. Felbi second platoon, to the front!”

Pale ordered the second platoon that was protecting their rear to go to the front. In exchange, she ordered the third platoon to move to the rear.

When Pale sent a fleeting glance at the goblins, she immediately noticed their high morale, then she looked toward the front again. The giant black goblin was leading an army of demihumans, elves, and goblins. There was a leader for every group.

Could she really do this? She asked herself as she looked up.

“Everyone, give me strength.”

Suddenly, she closed her eyes and thought back to the days when she fought with the members of Clan Elks.

Pale’s quiet mutterings were drowned out by the sound of war.

“I can do this! I’m going to protect my family!” Pale opened her eyes and said that to herself.
Their aim was the three-headed beast of an army that was headed toward them.

“Archers, parallel volley! After me!”

Pale pulled an orichalcum arrow from her quiver and filled it with ether.

“Second, fourth, fifth, and sixth platoon! Parry the enemy ahead! We’re going to graze past their nose and save the chiefs!”

She intentionally spoke like that. Normally, she preferred to speak with more formality, but that kind of language was unsuited during war.

The various platoons cried out in response to Pale’s commands.

As she released the string of her bow, the sound of wind cutting echoed alongside the cries of the orichalcum arrow. It flew fiercely through the air as it shot forth toward the enemy.

Winds, give me power!Wind Shot

Her target was the Fang Tribe member leading the demihumans.

That was none other than the man who double-crossed them. If she recalled correctly, his name was Mido, a Fang Tribe chief.

The enemy’s vanguard was pursuing after the chiefs.

As she watched the rear guard be torn apart all at once, she followed after the arrow with her eyes. A fearsome scream resounded at its descent as Mido repelled it. But that one shot wasn’t enough to break the enemy’s formation. When the rest of the archers shot their arrows, the enemy forces finally stalled.

The second shot.

This time their aim was the elven army, which sought to stop them.

Winds, give me your blessing!Barrel Shot

But the enemy noticed what they were trying, and their arrows passed by each other at roughly the same time. The wind pressure from their arrows altered each others’ course, leaving behind a streak of red blood across Pale’s temple.

Though they failed to follow-up that arrow, they still managed to hit the shoulder of the second head.



As Pale drew her bow again, a world devouring howl bellowed. Its great pressure bore down on them as the Goblin King swung his black burning great sword to cut down the elves in half.

The light infantry wasn’t his match.

Pale immediately gave out orders.

“Third and fourth platoon, go to the chiefs! Second platoon, make two lines from the front to the rear!”

Pale ordered the second platoon to make several layers of walls between her and the black goblin.

“Over here, monster! I’ll be your opponent!” Pale said.

She mustered all of her ether and gathered it onto her arrow.

In the name of the fierce winds!Storm Bullet

The gathered winds blew behind the arrow, propelling it forward as they drew a helix shape on the air.


But just when the arrow seemed like it was about to hit the Goblin King, the Goblin King swung his black burning great sword, causing the collision of two great masses of ether.

The two masses of ether sought to destroy each other. The black flames tried to devour the arrow of wind, white the latter tried to bore through the black flames.

Pale was already at her knees due to the great consumption of ether.

The Goblin King ground his teeth and put forth even more ether into his great sword.

Pale finally understood that a direct confrontation was disadvantageous, so she switched roles from a warrior back to a commander.

After receiving the charge of the elves, the goblin forces were in chaos. Forcing their way through the interim of the goblin forces and the chiefs’ forces was exactly Pale’s plan.

With her elven forces attacking the goblins from the flank, the battle had slightly swung to their favor. But at this rate, they will have no choice but to withdraw from the battle and run. She looked at the rear and the front.

The rear was being held well by Felbi, while in the front were wounded demihumans. Despite that the elven forces had slowed down their momentum.

Pale figured that it should be possible to make use of the time difference to cut their way through.


—That’s if we can take down this monster, anyway.

The Goblin King, who could stop even Pale’s attack, was unstoppable. He was like a storm as he mowed his way through to Pale.

“Second platoon, move to the flanks!”

Pale was so spent that even her throat felt like it would burst from giving orders.

By moving the second platoon to the flanks, there would be no one to stop the Goblin King.

Hands shaking, she drew her bow once more.

“Come,” she said.

Her hands no longer shook when she held her arrows. Her focus, which she had sharpened all her life, allowed her to become as still as tranquil waters.

In her hands was a special Srilana (Blue-Silver Steel) arrow.

Her aim was the unstoppable Goblin King’s forehead.

Perfectly focused, she calmly aimed her bow.


Tl Note: Split in two again. This is the third chapter.





13 responses to “Goblin Kingdom – Volume 2: The Distant Paradise – Chapter 137: Sylph Unification War XII (1/2)”

  1. watnyabellard Avatar

    thank you for the chapter

    1. watnyabellard Avatar

      oh yeah where is Gi Ji, pale forgot about him, hahaha

      1. Dan NotaTroll Avatar

        true, Shit is about to get real, really fast 🙂

  2. Belkar Avatar

    Thank you!

  3. goblinrou Avatar

    Guess Selena is gonna appear right as Pale fires the arrow.

  4. Azmi Noor Avatar
    Azmi Noor

    Thank for the chapter

  5. leon5721 Avatar

    So what the use of selena n shumea split away from king if they will have to meet up again later

    1. Holow Avatar

      Do you know that they are in a war zone right?

      Shumea and Selena tried to find Pale but they fail thats what it is

  6. natsukage Avatar

    I have a feeling Pale will meet a tragic end right in front of Selena…. Wouldn’t be surprised of this from this novel.

    1. Holow Avatar

      maybe but not today ,the king still need a strategist and this isn’t so dramatic story

  7. Chaoton Avatar

    Whoa, it’s even longer than the last one.

    Thanks for the chapter~!

  8. MallinTheDamned Avatar

    Thanks for the chapter~!

  9. Taggme Avatar

    devour the arrow of wind, white the latter tried to]]
    ‘white’ should be ‘while’

    Exciting chapter!
    *wave-synth music track comes on*
    Will the goblins succeed in making it to assassinate Pale? Will Selena arrive to sway Pale’s allegiances? Will the specially chosen arrow be fired true and injure the king?

    Tune in next time, on Goblin Kingdom XII!!!!!

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