The Man Picked up by the Gods

Translator Note
For the reboot, please CLICK HERE
PDFs are available here for download:

Author: Roy

Ryouma Takebayashi, 39 years old, found himself in a strange white room. The gods tell him that he has died and they are sending his soul to a different world, a world where magic exists.

Raws: Can be found here


PDF (Edited by and PDF created by: Usi)  
Volume 1 
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Volume 2
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EPUB (Edited by and EPUB created by: eCookie)
Volume 1 to 3
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eCookie (+PDF)
Volume 4
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EPUB and PDF by a Kind Reader
All Volumes

Table of Contents


40 responses to “The Man Picked up by the Gods”

  1. Jarrow Avatar

    As of 11-August-2016, the EPUBs are not available – ecookie’s wordpress site has been marked private, so they’re no longer available. (please remove this comment if the link gets fixed : )

    1. darkalter2000 Avatar

      I made these so people could get an epub version.

      1. eCookie Avatar

        I closed my site but the epubs are still up on Armaells site if you want to adjust the links. Made one for Volume 4 but Darkalter has that covered

      2. emerson Avatar

        wheres vol 5 pdf download

  2. vlad Avatar

    how is this novel situation? i heard some info about the author doing a remake. you guys are translating the remake or the older on? can you guys put in the site some info about it?

    1. HadLi Avatar

      Ano~ jugglypuff dono, can you brief a bit about the remake, I’ve also heard about it
      Does it mean that the author start the story from the scratch… From the beginning or the author start somewhere in the middle of the volumes?

  3. Marimochan Avatar

    Thanks for the translation and epubs!
    Anyway, the synopsis should include [Alt. Title: The Slime Lord] LOL.

  4. mazuianime Avatar

    Volume 3 link to epub broken

  5. Kreldor Avatar

    It seams someone put a bunch of redirect links on your page. May want to look into getting rid of them and finding who is trying to drive people away from your page.

  6. Shaoshola Avatar

    Hi I would like to know if the novel is stopping or if it will continue. If it continue do you have an idea of when will the author release his volume (and if you will translate theme ) thanks for all your translation !

  7. Okami Renki Avatar

    will you translate remake version of this novel ?

  8. Overlord Avatar

    will you translate the revised version from scratch again or you will wait untill v5 and continue?

  9. kurousagi Avatar

    uhmm admin-san looks like the epub volume 4 is broken can you fix it

  10. Sora Avatar

    A suggestion for Jigglypuff. i know this may end up as a huge expense of effort, but I hope that this can be corrected. 従魔術 , which you have translated as slave magic, is seriously offending. 従魔 is familiar, so this is similar to what vampires call familiarization, except that in the context of this story, it is done through a magic contract. Please spare me with the ugly term slave magic as it means a totally different thing. If you want to know what it means, read Himekishi ga Classmate.

    1. Sora Avatar

      Btw, since the author has stopped this version at vol 5, chap 38, he had a revised version at So what are you gonna d?

  11. fairyguy Avatar

    i make the pdf verision. feel free to check it out

  12. God Ginrai Avatar
    God Ginrai

    Hopefully someone will make a PDF for what there is of volume 5. It’s a shame that this got rebooted. (I’ll likely read the reboot, but starting over a story because of a reboot is never something I’m particularly fond of)

    1. God Ginrai Avatar
      God Ginrai

      or epub

  13. kenjinn Avatar

    man i wish they kept progressing the story instead of a reboot, its perfect the way it was.

    1. Exo Joger Avatar
      Exo Joger

      Is the reboot different ??

  14. vandfon Avatar

    I would like to know if you already have a forecast of when it will start volume 6. Since the story stopped in volume 5 with 38 chapters. I really like this story, I hope it continues to be posted here.

    1. André Milani-Martin Avatar

      the author somewhat wrote himself into a hole. He failed to introduce new ways for the story to continue and grow since everything adventure related already has been done. Now what is left is writing the story around the girls and the kingdom (trouble with nobles and war).

      But since the author didn’t introduce other countries, cultures, nobles and factions previously he hit a wall now.

      So he will rewrite the story to make it work out properly this time….and get to the happy Ryouma+Elia ending.

  15. vikas Avatar

    Hey should i read this or the reboot version…i started reading manga and relly like the characters a lot

  16. vikas Avatar

    i wouldn’t mind reading both..

  17. Kiel ivan Castillo Avatar

    Is there a chapter between end of 2nd volume and the idle talk? I cant seem to find the part where they got to earth and the part where tekun met with ryouma. Please help

  18. iloveBL(。’▽’。)♡ Avatar

    Translator sama ive read a different version of this novel rather a different translation? Ive only downloaded it so i dont know who translated it but its different from here. I wonder why? Im sure it is this novel not the reboot.

  19. Cristian David Ortega Martinez Avatar
    Cristian David Ortega Martinez


  20. Lilian Mendes Avatar
    Lilian Mendes

    muito bom

  21. sagari Avatar

    hmm.. what is the different with the reboot version ?

    1. TheLonelyFish Avatar

      If you figured it out can you reply here to let me know what it is too? I searched and couldn’t figure it out

    2. Michael Avatar

      Mostly there is less dialogue and less explanation of events. (For instance, in the reboot, the story doesn’t tell you how Ryouma defeated the bandits in Gana Forest. But in the original story that information is told.) Some dialogue has been changed. Some characters have been deleted altogether. Also, some of the story has been changed or removed.

  22. Michael Avatar

    Prefer the original version over the reboot. Reboot has too many chapters where I feel like I missed an explanation somewhere. The original.. though I’ve only read up to the end of Volume 3 so far has lots more story. Some of the characters seem a bit non-essential, but for the most part the author only needed to change a few continuity/ flow issues and needed an editor to go through and change some grammar/ spelling errors.

  23. Koushik Avatar

    Bro where can I find the continuing content of novel

    1. Stemmet Marincowitz Avatar
      Stemmet Marincowitz

      When will volume 6 be released

  24. FRANCYS Avatar

    Some know if this story’s have a new chapther in the last 5 years ???????

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